When I read CVDEB's post about the hacking and coughing it brought back a memory that I hope I never have to relive. It was on my first attempt to quit. I was so naive
as to what quitting was all about. I went to the doctor and got Zyban. Good to go right? I thought all I needed to do was take the pill and wallah I was good to go
. I had no idea what was ahead of me. I went to work, Monday, department meeting and all of a sudden I started coughing so bad I had to leave. I was so embarrassed. I had no idea what was happening to me. Then on the way home I got hit by the CRAVE from hell. I was almost in a car accident. Got home and smoked
. I was not prepared, I had no SSC to run to. I can not express enough how important it is to get prepared. I don't care whether a person quit on the first try (yeah!!!) or it takes a life time of tries be mentally prepared to quit. For me it is more than the smokes, it is what goes on between my ears. I have one heck of a committee that likes to chatter, chatter and chatter.
. Well this time I am yelling "I DON'T WANT TO SMOKE, I DON'T WANT TO SMELL, I AM TIRED OF BEING YOUR SLAVE, I WANT TO AVAIABLE FOR MY HUSBAND, I WANT TO BE FREE!!!" I am shouting over them and not letting them chatter away at me. Just some thoughts I have been having.