Welcome to our support community! Please take the time to look around and use the knowledge at your fingertips to help you through. The online support group is amazing and supportive and can really make a difference.
Congrats on 4 days! Please know that what you are feeling is normal :) The most common questions when quitting smoking is dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Each smoker has different withdrawal symptoms indeed yours will be unique! Although they may be unpleasant, they do pass.
When you experience withdrawal symptoms, remind yourself that each symptom is a sign of recovery. Your body is in the process of healing itself. Think of withdrawal symptoms as growing pains.
You need to come up with a plan! When a craving sets in, think about what are you going to do or what you can do to not give in! Try writing down some coping techniques to particular scenarios. For example, the house is clean there is nothing to do and the cravings kicks in. You have already eaten and you are in a state of panic. Try leaving the house, go for a walk, call a friend, jump on the site, have a shower. Anything that takes your mind off of temptation is beneficial.
Hope this help,
The SSC Support Team.