Hi Ashley,
I've been 'up and down' quite a lot recently.
I can have 3-4 fairly ok days then just start
feeling very low and worried that I won't feel
like my normal self again as it's been nearly
3 months now since I have.
I've been doing my best to keep busy, going
to the gym as much as possible and also
doing things as a family and taking my girls
places to do different activities.
I do struggle with busy places and crowds
though and it can really heighten my anxiety
which is extremely uncomfortable but I just
push myself to carry on.
It's so hard to watch everyone around me
living their lives and having fun doing the things
that they enjoy and there's me just 'going through
the motions', I feel as if I'm on 'auto-pilot'.
Sorry, it's so hard to explain how I feel.