I spent the evening at a lecture hosted by a local support group for people with anxiete problems... it was like anti-depressants 111 -remedial level.
It was a very interesting talk. Okay, all general information and lots of statistics but it helped me to understand why I need certain medications and why I might need them long term.
For one Bi-polar downs Tend to be deeper that unipolar depression and are melencolic - Very hard to find and feel any pleasure.
Another, certain anti-depressants work on our brain's serotonin, others on the noradrenalin and few on the dopamin (reason we need to force selves to do exercise).
also, those who have had 1 major depressive bout have a certain precentage of having another. THose who have had 2 are at about 75% risk of having aanother... and those who have had 3 bout are at +90%... Well I need medication, I need it long term - years- because I am in the third category. At least I know why and can plan my treatment goals in light of this!
My children have less than 35% chance of inheriting and learning this illness. ANd I can give them the tools they will need if they do develope this as I and my father did.
I looked over session 2, here, today. I guess I finally am grasping the need to take action. Exercise stimulates parts of the brain that depression affects (and shrivels up). I need to to take action even if I do not "feel like it". Motivation gets shot by depression so I will not feel like it any time soon. But I need the benefits to help my healing, so I need to force myself to take that afternoon walk and the weekend hikes and the special trip to the pool (Canada is a cold place!).
This my summary...
-1- the brain rewards itself with dopamine. -2- the depressed brain has a chemical imbalance and dopamin is affected. -3- few medications can affect dopamin. -4- acomplishments and physical efforts cause the brain to release dopamine. -5- need to force body to release this feel-good stuff so need to stimulate body with attainable goals and exercise.
Finally, I learned that what slows down neurons from sucking up the serotonin too quickly slows down our metabolism - digest food more slowly, use calories more slowly, eliminate waste more slowly And gain weight REALLY quickly!
it's 11pm here so good night.