I've gone through this type of program before and I can relate to where you are right now. I've had TONS of therapy-people that I didn't like/didn't work well with, etc.
First with that, be very honest with your psych. Make a list of what makes you unhappy with your sessions with them. Think about for a while, I'm sure you'll be able to come up with somethings to share with them. Also articulate to them what you need to change for therapy to be successful for you. If nothing changes after this...find a new one.
Second, with the program...this is probably one of the hardest steps to do. I mean, these negative thoughts have been running through your head for so long...just trying to recognize them made me anxious at first...then if I had a bad day...everything just went out the window...WAAAY too overwelming for me.
The secret is this: keep trying. There WILL be days when you won't feel overwhelmed and then you can work on it again. Believe that. It won't be like this forever. When you get overwhelmed...accept it. Don't beat yourself up. You're allowed to feel the way that you do. There's no time limit that says you have to get better in so many days.
To help you out with this step make a list of five of the main negative thoughts that run through your head. Put them on paper. Now look at them and see where the fault is. Why is that thought not a good one to keep thinking about? What could make it better? What is the opposite of that thought? After that, try and write down something positive, even if you don't think it is true right now.
ex.) Negative thought - "I'm just so ugly and frumpy, no one's going to want to be friends with me. Positive thought - "I was not made to look like everyone else, I am unique and I like that. True friends will like me for who I am, not what I look like."
The key once you have the positive thought written out is to keep thinking it or saying it everytime you think the negative thought. You may feel dumb, stupid, or like it's not even working. But, surprisingly, it does.
If you're still having a hard time thinking of positive things to fight the negative things with post some of your negative thoughts here and we'll help you come up with some positive ones.
Remember, this is a very important