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Sitting in bench drive me nuts

11 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tesla,
Welcome to the group. I am sorry to hear how you have been feeling. It sounds like you feel a little trapped in the situation you are in now. It is good to hear that you have distant education to look forward to and I also think it is a very good idea that you will be talking to a doctor. This program can also help you. It is based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy principles which is one of the best treatments for mood disorders. If you stick with the program and do the homework you will see results.  
Have you had a chance to look at the program? Any questions so far?

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I have been in the bench for last 5 months. For people who are not familiar with term bench is – people who are employed by the organization and receive full salary but now they do not have work.
I have been in IT industry for last 12 years. I suffer from depression time to time. I was able to keep check on these feelings because I used to be busy. I used to have stress at work but that is a different matter. However, lately my depression is raising ugly head inside me. Keeping my mind idle drives me nuts. To add the woes is my organization is not employee friendly at all.
Every day I struggle to get up from bed. When I am about to reach the door in my organization, I feel uneasy in my stomach. At work, it is a struggle to keep myself sane for 8 hours. I have started smoking again. The whole situation drives me nuts. I have applied for numerous positions in other companies but no luck. Facing this every day for last couple of months is driving me nuts. At work, I think about things in my past, which adds to my depression. When I leave for work, I am an emotion wreck. At home, I feel tired and unable to participate in any meaningful activity with my family. I feel helpless. I have enrolled in distant education, which will be welcome distraction.
However, I am going to see doctor and get some advice from her.

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