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Thread Topics

13 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The more engaged you are in the program the more you will benefit.  This means it is a good idea to continually be active in the forums.  Ever have trouble knowing what to talk about in threads?

The following list of ideas will help you think of possible thread topics:
• Tell your story.
• What is happening for you today?
• Openly express how you feel.
• Discuss your achievements.
• Discuss program sessions and homework.
• Where in your life are you stuck?
• What makes you happy?
• What goals have you achieved lately?
• What has been bothering you lately?
• What are some negative core beliefs you have discovered?
• What activities do you enjoy?
• What have you been worrying about lately?
• What interpersonal conflicts have you had trouble addressing?
• What have you been avoiding?
• What coping mechanism have you found helpful?
• Congratulate members.
• Talk about your dreams.
• Talk about a topic you would like other perspectives on.
• What do you value?
• What are you afraid of?
• If you could write a letter (i.e. apology, confessional, angry, hurt, thankful, loving) what would it say?
• Discuss a peak moment in your life. What did you value about this moment?
• What are some habits you would like to change?
Members, please add other thread starting ideas.
Ashley, Health Educator

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