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Alternative Therapies

12 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone, 
I do yoga everyday.. that is the one thing I commit to since, I don't want to overboard myself. I also find pleasure in it and like the feeling that i'm a few inches taller after being all stretched out. But today I started taking B vitamins and the other day I started to sit in the sun for 30 min(we'll see how these go). My dream is to become a massage therapist, but I don't really like to be massaged by others (my trust issue)... i'm working on this. I really can't control my nutritional routine since I find a lot of pleasure from 'bad' food.. so I just make sure I have one day in the week that is vegetarian and keep up with exercises a few times a week. 
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

When I first got Arthritis, chair exercises were recommended. I was still working and didn't feel I had the time to do them so I never did. I should have found the time.

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
CBT has been working for me, so it will continue.  I don't really focus on much else
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs,
It sounds like you've given many options a good try and you know what works for you. 
If you could only choose one of the therapies on your list, which would you choose?
It may help manage the process and avert 'crisis mode'!
Thinking of you,
Vincenza, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Samantha,
I tried Yoga, but am looking for something on a chair, since it was outside my comfort range.  It was great for stretching.  Meditation was interesting when I did mindfulness, but I'd like to review it again, since it is integral, according ot an expert in the field, to weight loss, an epidemic in N America.  I'd do Tai Chi, but I don't have the time, and might just have to try different things at different times.
Isn't life like a huge buffet sometimes, with not enough time or space in our bellies?  Sometimes we just have to taste, or read the menu.
I wasn't impressed with Ayurveda when it was delivered in a course I took, but it might be the delivery.
I just missed a seminar on Aromatherapy, and can't wait to try that too. 
Massage is okay but I have to be comfortable with the person.
I use a light daily, since shift work toyed with my circadian system.
I can barely manage my daily multivitamin since it's one of those "horse pills" and forget my other supplemental aspirin and Vitamin D, so I wish to build some order in my life.
The year took off and I've forgotten to do the planning to sustain what i'm supposed to do.
There's so much to process, and I'm afraid I just am in "crisis mode".  I'll revisit the idea to plan stuff, since some courses have hijacked my "harmony" so I'm too busy to be present
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


In addition to the support you’re receiving online, from outside therapy and medication; many other alternative therapies exist to help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Tai Chi, Ayurveda, Massage
  • Aromatherapy
  • Magnet Therapy, Light therapy, ESR
  • Herbal supplements, nutritional therapy and Chinese medicine
  • Educational materials

 At this time we would like to remind all our members that although taking herbal supplements, Chinese medicine or making changes in your diet has been beneficial to some, it is not always safe. For this reason, it is always highly recommended to consult your doctor or pharmacist before pursuing any naturopathic regiment as it may conflict with other current health conditions and/or medications you are taking.

 We now invite our members to share their experiences with alternative therapies and/or ask questions.
Samantha, Health Educator 

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