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13 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
loves trees - - 
That's a good point, that I forgot to add. Going to the first couple intro classes of yoga is very helpful before you do the DIY videos or anything like that, at least in the actual classes you can learn proper posture and how to hold positions with an instructor there. Good point :)

13 years ago 0 356 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I agree about yoga. It is good for the body and mind. I found a cheap yoga dvd that is actually really good. so it doesn't have to be expensive. although I did go through intro to yoga many years ago to get the basics of how to hold each posture. if people struggle with that i highly suggest one good intro class so the instructor can correct your posture. 

13 years ago 0 11212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for sharing Spartan,
Yoga can be very helpful.  I have heard a lot of positive experiences with yoga!
Members, what activities do you participate in that helps you relax?

Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello everyone! I just wanted to add my little tid-bit about my own experiences with relaxation activities.
I'll admit, this isn't for everyone but Yoga is simply amazing (I'm not a yoga instructor, so I'm not trying to sell anything). I just want to share that out of all the things I've tried, if you just try to focus on your Yoga session it's just incredible how it can clear your mind and help you feel so relaxed, calm and at peace. It kind of forces you to clear your mind and concentrate on what you're doing, so it's very cool. I was very hesitant about trying Yoga the first time around, I was coming up with excuses like, "Oh I'm really out of shape", and "it costs too much". Yes, unfortunately Yoga can be expensive if you are going to a studio (and you plan on going regularly) but there are videos available that you can follow along with on Youtube and such. Another thing that I LOVE to do (and it's free!) is just take a blanket, my dog, go to the park and stare at the sky. If you're lucky enough to have a nice yard that you can sit in, you can skip the park altogether. I just find that staring at the sky and the clouds brings me such a sense of peace it's just incredible. One of my favorite times to practice my deep breathing exercises is while staring at the sky and thinking about nothing. It takes a while for your mind to clear, but once it does it's just awesome. Thanks for reading!

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