I have GAD and have had a panic attack. My counsler suggested joining the gym so, I did so today. When I first started working out, I felt a good bit more anxious. Of course anyone with GAD knows that you worry alot about yourself healthwise. So, I'm there working out on an excercise bike and watching my heart rate. It stayed around 120-125 but there I am worrying about it. My hands got real sweaty, you all know the anxious routine. So I kept at anyway. The anxious feeling really did subside, but afterward I just felt a little dizzy and a very small headache. I know this is common with anxiety and I do suffer from lightheadness from time to time with my GAD. Now, i am just about 30 pounds overweight, a smoker, (which i intend to kick as soon as I get a little bit of a grip on the GAD) and haven't really had an exercise program for 15 years. Back to the smoking, I know I shouldn't use my anxiety as a reason for not quitting, but sometimes a smoke helps to calm my nerves. I actually had planned on joining a quit program that uses the patch right before my intial attack a month ago because my mom and one of my friends had done it. Anybody have any thoughts on anxiety and exercise. I'd appreciate hearing anything that anyone has experienced or knows what to experience.