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8 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am totally against lorazepam for two reasons. 1: I did become dependent on it and 2: It has too short of a half life. The theory that it is safer because it is in and out of your system fast may seem like a good idea but it has a fault. That is the fear that it isn't working so you cycle in and out of anxiety. All the benzo's except Valium are designer drugs for specific forms of anxiety such as sleep disorders and restless leg syndrome. They are also stronger in their specific use but weaker overall. So my preference is Valium with it's long half life, easier withdrawal and broader spectrum of conditions it treats. Lorazepam will make you sleep, but if you wake after it's half life of less than four hours it no longer will help. So you take another. Here starts dependence. You do not get this with the longer half life Benzo's. 
Valium with it's long half life allows it to still be in effect when the next anxious moment happens giving the impression you are handling the anxiety on your own. Especially good for multiple anxious moments in a 24 hour period. Combined with coping skills, the B in CBT it works especially well and dosing periods become farther apart till you just no longer need or take it. It often becomes a surprise that you have stopped using it without noticing. It is also used to taper off the other benzo's. 

There is documentation on this but I have to state this is personal experience and not a recommendation that you go against your doctors orders. 

8 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ayr,

I would follow your therapists advice. Also, if you have questions be sure to bring them to your therapist as well. It sounds like you fear you cannot cope and you feel you do not have coping skills. This sounds like a good place to start. How are you coping with the anxiety now? What seems to work? What seemed to work in the past? 

You might also want to check out the section on relaxation techniques. This section will give you a few coping skills to use to help you to relax.

Ashley, Health Educator
8 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am dealing with a mental health relapse after many years and I am overwhelmed by the symptoms of my anxiety. I have returned from two years away back to my home city for treatment from my psychiatrist and a psychologist. My initial mental health issue was insomnia which arose after I abruptly stopped my Remeron. Without access to continuity of care while being away in Ontario, the ER psychiatrist gave me Zopiclone and PRN Clonazepam
Here am I back at home. Recently after not needing the Clonazepam for seven days, I started to severe anxiety that often endured most of the day for multiple days, but did't culminate into panic. In the end my psychiatrist switched me to Lorazepam for a number of reasons.
My negative thoughts are I think what is causing the extreme anxiety, though medication probably plays a role. Having read a number on this site regarding a similar issue, I haven't read what the therapy itself is for 2 below.
It seems for me extreme anxiety/panic begets extreme anxiety/panic. I find this to be more the case than with moderate anxiety because quite honestly (1) I am extremely frightened by the symptoms of extreme anxiety and panic and (2) don't feel I can cope. My psychologist has sort of indicated that I shouldn't worry about using the Lorazepam for now, and to focus on distraction and keeping busy -- things may settle down. Though in a sense I am coping, I don't feel in control at all, and I'm worried that my Lorezepam will just stop working.
Any help would be appreciated? 

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