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Trigger words

13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

A trigger, be it word, thought or action is just that, a trigger. It does not cause the action. You do by your mood and perception. So on one day if you are tired or on edge, say a core belief is too close to the surface the trigger will make you prone to an attack. Now suppose you have survived one and your mood and perception tells you there is no need to have another then you won't unless you start thinking otherwise. In theory, it is that simple. But convincing your core beliefs is the hard part. How you look at the trigger and the overall situation. (perception). How you feel, your mood, thoughts and emotion. (attitude) And of course belief, negative or positive. (really believe). These things dictate whether the trigger will cause panic. So see some days the dice are loaded against you and you can do nothing but have the attack. But if you have a little of the three established it will be less than it could be or usually is. Over time they become less and less as you take control of your thoughts and actions. The trigger will still be there, it just won't do anything. (unless you help it to). My trigger is usually claustrophobic thoughts, not actions. I'm not really claustrophobic, so the action doesn't bother me, what does is the thought which I exaggerate all out of proportion bringing me to the brink of panic before I can shut it down. And it is quick, as fast as the speed of thought can be. Some times stopping me in my tracks. Some times making me nauseous before I let it pass. 

Remember once you have panic attacks the potential is always there to have another, whether you do or not is up to you.

Here for you.

Ps. How do you treat a head cold, do you accept it and put up with it waiting for it to get over?
Or do you fight it making yourself miserable? Like a cold there are things you can do to lessen panic. Chicken soup may not be one of them but relaxation is.
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I do not understand the trigger word if it is truly a trigger word then should it not bring on an attack every time I say them. I tried this morning and I got two attacks out of the trigger words but could not produce any more by saying them. I think in the back of my mind I was thinking I had enough of the attacks. Is this the phenomenon of I cannot have an attack 24/7 or is it a clue to how ridicules my trigger words are. I have had a similar experience with work out or walking I will get dizzy and my body will tense up but it appears to me to stop tensing half way through my walk. As if my body is saying that all I can tense up anymore so it stops there. If I was to go back many years I know that my body can hold more tension but know it seems to stop at a point now. I have had this phenomenon before I always wondered why in the morning when turned in bed and had an attack it would stop after a while. I could turn as much as I like and would not have attacks anymore. Back to my premise that you cannot be in fear 24/7 but if I were to carry this further if I stopped having attacks in the bed because I figured, or my body figured, it had enough, then why can I go to a building, another trigger, and have another attack. I guess what I am saying if I had all I can take of attacks in one day in bed then why I can have another in a building.

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