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Finding something else to worry about

13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have good days and bad days too and remind myself that the bad days are only temporary.  I will feel better soon.
It takes time and patience. Like Davit said.
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Like baling a leaky boat in a rain storm. But you will eventually get to shore and you can quit.
Patience, all comes to those that stick at it.

Here for you.

13 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Davit and Ashley for your words of encouragement. 
I've been frustrated for the last two days because every time I chase one worry off it seems like there is another one right there ready to take its place. I feel like this is still part of the process towards recovery, and I'm hoping that eventually my mind and body will realize there really is nothing to get so worked up about! In the meantime though I feel like I'm coming up with something to worry about all the time, so I'm always somewhat on edge. After a few days where I'm pretty relaxed it's like all of a sudden I'm hit with - "But what if this happens?!?" and then I'm set off a little bit again.
13 years ago 0 11214 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Teebs,
So glad to hear exposure is getting easier!  This is a big deal!  Congratulations!
It sounds like you are identifying and even challenging some other negative thinking.  Keep working on this and it will get easier!
Like Davit I am quite impressed myself!
Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Yes and since you noticed it on your own It shows how much the fog is lifting. There will be more relevations like this as you wipe out other false core beliefs. Keep at it, you are doing teriffic.

Here for you
Davit.   (a very impressed Davit too)
13 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This week things have been pretty calm for me. No major challenges that I have to face, just kind of a run of the mill week. I'm still working on moderate exposure, but the exposures that were tough for me six weeks ago are now a lot easier. (I didn't really realize what a big thing this is until just now when I wrote that sentence!)
I'm going to work up to some more difficult exposures again, but they take more planning so I'm kind of just in a place where I'm plugging along right now. This week I noticed I started getting really uptight about different little things that normally don't bother me much. For instance I've been really anxious about technology. I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I've just been getting upset about how much time I spend on the computer or watching TV, things like that. In reality I don't abuse either of these things. I watch a little TV every night with my boyfriend, and I'm on the computer off and on throughout the day but during the day I'm doing work on my photography projects, not just goofing around. I also do a lot of other activities like reading, exercising, getting out of the house, going out and taking photos in nature, etc. So why do I all of a sudden have anxiety around something as benign as using technology?
It just dawned on me a little bit ago that maybe it's because my mind is starting to be less worried about things like leaving the house, so it's looking for something else to make a "big deal" out of? Maybe this is just another step of getting better?

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