First of all welcome to the forums, I'm sorry to here that you are having a rough time with your meds and
you are having a hard time with waking up during the night. I too wake up several times a night so I know it can
make you edgy. But you can handle this!! Just look at how strong you are! you are taking care of yourself
and your children!!!! That is something in its self to be proud of! Sometimes it helps to look at a situation
from a different angle, instead of worrying about the next four work days take one day at a time, plan for that
first day back. If you can take a break during the day do some stretching or give a friend a call, or maybe
bring a good book to read, just to give yourself a lift. Starting a job weather its a new one or returning back
to one is always hard, so go easy on yourself. And know that in spirit we will all be their holding your hand!