Dear Cerri,
Glad you found this group - it will help you in many ways. I can relate to you in every aspect of your panic dilemma! I am a veteran of panic attacks. The people in my life when I began having them were absolutey the most unsupportive - just because it was 'freaky', they felt uncomfortable and did not want a wife, daughter or friend to 'act' that way. As if I was doing this whole thing for fun or could just turn it off at will. I have been in the E.R. a few times in the beginning when I was undiagnosed- very very frightening - I know how it feels to be out of control in front of people - not fun at all. If I was near you, I would give you a big hug and tell you everything was going to be o.k.-it will as soon as you find a doctor with a heart!
I want you to say this affirmation to yourself daily, write it down or just copy and paste and print so you can remember to read it everyday:
"I will not allow anyone to get in the way of my trying to control my panic situation - I will be the one to analyze how my head feels regarding medications - I will not allow anyone's reactions to my panic situation to belittle or embarrass me; I know their reaction is only due to misinformation, misunderstanding or total ignorance about my panic situation. I will empower myself with knowledge, I will research the strange phenomena of 'panic disorder' - I will win this battle and gain control!"
Now, getting to the medicatin issue. The only med. that has ever ever helped me in Ativan. They do not like to give it these days because of addiction - and, Paxil is, the supposed miracle 'cure all' drug of the new Millenium. However, it made me feel worse. So, I just found a doctor that would work with me. I only take one anti anxiety medication, and it really does keep the 'beast' at bay. My panic attacks will never be cured, because I have an MVP in my heart (mitral valve prolapse, common in 'panic people' - do you know if you have one?).
You own your panic disorder! If there is someone who gets in your way, does not even try to understand, push them aside, you don't need them! You need positive affirmations from compassionate people!
The fact you found this site is a good sign! You want to get better & gain control Find a psychiatrist that will listen to