I did go to an education session and a pre-op day and at the time I had no problem at all. The issue started when I had such a awful withdrawal from the tramacet ( which I have not taken since the 5 of march ). I think sub-consciously I have associated the withdrawal with the surgery. I know that but visualizing the outcome is where I am having such a problem.
I keep seeing myself at home, limited by the new surgery on my hip and having a panic attack with no help to be found....I no that is not the reality of it, my husband will be with me but it still bothers me a great deal.
I have had sugeries before and not thought a minute about it, go figure.
Yes you are right my coping skills are not strong enough yet, neither is my relaxation. Things seem so easy when I take the clonazepam and have virtually no anxiety to deal with but I know this won't last forever.
Almost everyday I reread the information from the site and my all makes sense.
I also know I have to speak with my surgeon and get him up to speed on what has been happening. Another issue is that I have lost alot of trust in doctors in general.....this isn't the first time I have followed instructions and been hurt in the process, the first time I landed in ER with my kidneys failing...all because I listened to my family doctor who told me to take two medications together. Now this withdrawal thing has really taken the cake.
Sorry , I don't mean to rant on about it, but I think finally letting off my chest may be the first step in the healing process.
Thanks again, for the support and insight.....the people are just the best.