Thank you you two!
It is nice to know I am not the only one a little stressed about this. I like both your ideas and perspectives.
I am doing ok. Working from home is an added bonus I guess. Do you all have to still go into work? Where do you both live. Things seem to be getting serious in the states.
I have really bad anxiety about tons of things and I started to freak out because I have food security fears as a trigger of mine and there were huge lines the other day. I woke today with the realization of how many pandemics and emergencies we've all lived through in the only the last 20 years: SARS, H1N1, Bird Flu, Y2K, September 11, Great Recession, and now the Coronavirus. There is always going to be something that we cannot control.
Hi Kittycat1234,
I also have quite some history with anxiety, so hope, you can use something of what I am saying..
Yes, I also have anxious thoughts about this virus, as - honestly speeking - it seems to cause 30 times more deaths than usual influenza. I am tightly following news and updates, and calculate ratio each time.
And really, I sometimes get super-anxious about this virus and my loved ones. And I most likely will remain to be that for awhile. I just don't want to think about what this virus can cause to my family, but this thought just comes up again and again nd again.
I am so hopeful that spring and summer temperatures will bring some gasp of relief. Really. I am just hoping silently, despite all expert-predictions.
So here is how I am trying to get some piece of mind: I am actively following all suggestions they give: wash my hands properly and regularly in order to reduce overall bacteria/virus on my hands so my immune system has less to fight against. And I remind my family members to do the same. Also, I am avoiding getting too close (within 1 meter) to people, and avoiding shaking hands, as health experts suggested.
Another "active" defense that I am trying is to take supplements to support my immune system.
Honestly, nobody has any guarantee, and I know that (I try not to think about that.... which is quite difficult..) but at least taking some "actions" helped me at least calm my mind a bit and take off some of the feelings of helplessness.
I would say, I also worry more than the "normal" people around me, however, I also recognized, that in this case, also "normal" people worry a lot. In many countries people go for shopping for food like crazy, and desinfects are sold out in many countries too.
So I think, there is nothing wrong with you when freaking out, as this seems to be the normal human reaction now. I think it is just very important that we have some weapons in our thought arsenal too, so we don't get permanently crazy about it.
What also helps me is when I think about how the government and health experts also take this seriously and have arranged so many safety precautions.
Not sure if this all is any helpful to you, but I am hopeful that you find your piece of mind in any ways.
Is anyone else freaking out about the coronavirus? I can be a bit of a hypochondriac. I am not sure if I am being overly concerned or not. I am finding myself leaving the house less because of this. Is this normal? I still go to work but I avoid taking public transit now. My coworker looked at me really weird when I told them this. So I am not sure if I should be challenging this or what. is anyone else thinking a lot about the coronavirus? I need someone with anxiety to let me know how they are taking this.