I have learned that this is absolutely normal from my CBT coach/Dr., and have seen this same symptom posted on this site a few times. I certainly have noticed that I am quite forgetful particularly when I am anxious. Let's face it, a lot of energy is put into managing anxiety and anxious thoughts. Sometimes the little details of our lives, like repeating oneself, isn't the brains priority. The remedy......lists, lists, lists. I write things down now. If it's important it makes it to my "to do" list." Don't forget that anxiety will look for any opportunity to work it's majic on you so try your best to relax and realize that this too will pass and until it does you still have control of the situation, by making lists and therefore decreasing the anxiety. It may also be that, with the holidays approaching, there are more things to remember and events to co-ordinate so it may be a very normal symptom at this time of year for anyone (with or without anxiety). In my circumstance, I truly beleive that the anxious thoughts blow things out of proportion. Sure I forget things but if I let the anxiety get a hold of me, all of a sudden I'm on the path to Alzheimers or some other manufactured crisis. :) Write things down and don't let the fear cloud reality. Wow, that's really long winded. Sorry!