A child is born with very little in it's mind. A few survival skills and the beginning of it's personality which it gets from DNA. Everything else is learned. The child learns from the person or persons it is first attached too. Usually parents. Most often the mother but it can be anyone who does most of the care. The first 11 months the child builds pockets of memory to store things it learns. These 11 months are critical. The next 6 years for a total of 7 the child learns by storing everything in these pockets. During this period personality is set and ideas are formed. The child that has a good attachment and lots of care is outgoing and curious because it has a safe place to come back to. The child that is neglected is the opposite. It is usually afraid to try anything new even though it is curious. It may be very intelligent but unable to act on it.
During this period some of this can be straightened out with attention from peers and teachers.
This is where most core beliefs get started. You store in memory what you perceive not necessarily what you see. Many things can colour this memory. One is that I shouldn't do this because my parent wouldn't.
Another is that it is wrong because someone said it was even though I think it is right.
The list of core beliefs is long. The most common are that I'm ugly or that I'm stupid.
You can see how they would affect performance.
Many core beliefs sit dormant for years till something happens to reinforce them and set them off as a priority to your thinking. Such as making a mistake. Instead of shrugging it off it becomes a trigger that sets off similar thinking every time you even get remotely close to making a mistake.
These are negative core beliefs and if this is the case with you they may have been around influencing you silently for thirty years and just now seemingly in your mind necessary for survival. Now they are noticeable because you have questions and memory is usually where you go for answers and core beliefs are where you find the answers. Negative core beliefs will give you negative answers as will positive ones give you positive ones.
Can you change this? Most definitely but with one caveat. You can not erase anything from memory so negative core beliefs will always be there. What you can do is attach a positive one to the negative one in essence burying it and making it not effective. Pick out a thought that you think may be a core belief, something that is influencing your life. Meditate on it carefully in a position or place where there is no outside influence. Is it true? Yes, no, Maybe. Okay what ever the answer, do you want to change it? Negative ones definitely. So now form a mantra out of the words you would use to change it such as "it is not true" Or better yet, "I know it is not true". Another is "I am............ etc."
Do it in your native language or the language you use most or both. You learned one way, you want to fix it the same way.
Dwelling on the negative takes a lot of energy and is very tiring.
Getting easily hurt is a core belief.
Believing you are wrong all the time is a core belief learned from some mistake in early life. Reinforced by other mistakes probably ones you were blamed for even though they were not your fault.
Unable to make decisions could be attached to the above core belief that tells you what ever you decide it will be wrong. Make a decision and accept the consequences. If it is wrong it is wrong and if it is right then it is right. Accept that it is based on a fact not a core belief. Accepting that things are as they are not as your core belief thinks they are is important.
Disturbed thought process could be core beliefs interfering.
I have to post this before I lose it.
Feel free to look up information on core beliefs or just ask.