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10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Simply I learned how to live alone. It is not a bad thing. People used to do this without any trouble at all. People used to spend large amounts of time on their own. Cars didn't even have radios. Men went to camp sometimes and women were left alone, with or without children. Even in camps men often worked alone. I did. 
Now it is all this working in groups and chatter chatter. Or the cell phone (texting) or the computer. People come home and turn on the TV for company.
Adding more people in your life because you don't know how to be alone is just feeding an addiction. and along the way they are going to disappoint you. Leaving a group because it is loud or you don't like someone in it only leaves you lonely if you don't know how to be alone. Add the people because we need to be social but learn to live without them when you have to or you will just feed lonely.


10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What I find hard is determining how to divide time in caregiving?  I think parents struggle with this, but blessed with healthy children, they know eventually the children with take their independence gladly, compared to caregiving by the sandwich generation
10 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Here are a few more tips to help you crush isolation…

•    Take up a new hobby or interest. Take a class to learn about it!
•    Take yourself out to a museum, a play, a street fair.
•    Take the initiative: Going out? Ask a friend to come along!
•    Go out with a group, less pressure on you if you feel the need to leave as there is plenty more people to keep company.

How do you prevent isolation?

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