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Exposure and biting off more than I could chew?

11 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs and Shari,
Sounds like it wasn't a very good day for either of you! Shari, I will comment in your Shari's Move thread.
Sorry you are feeling this way. How did you sleep last night? How are you feeling today? Did anything change in your perspective?

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs4U,

Regarding what I just posted on this thread...I'm going address what I just wrote on my "Shari's Move" thread, so please follow up there in a few minutes, so I have time to write it.

Thanks, Shari
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs4U,

I'm having a hard time myself.  Today is my 50 th birthday and I just took my dogs for a walk (on a leash) and a cat ran out from the bushes and attacked my dogs.  My one dog got scratched on the outer eye lid.  I snapped.  I'm ready to move back to Maryland today.  It's hard living here, because there is so much work to do, it's exhausting.  At home, I had a half acre fenced in backyard and a dog door and now I have to walk my dogs several times a day.  And, all the neighbors of giant sized dogs walk them off leash and I have two tiny dogs under 10 lbs. each.  I also have to check for poisonous snakes before I go outside.  I have to drive my parents everywhere.  My daughter's flying home tomorrow.  I just want to have her help me drive back home tomorrow, so I can go back to the way things were.  If I leave tomorrow, I could be back on Sunday.  We're supposed to go to Downtown Disney for my birthday and I don't want to go.  I'm exhausted and these last 2 weeks of living here, and all of the exposure work, is just too much.  I want to quit.  I'm sorry, I should have said something positive to help you, but I'm crying now, and I can't even encourage myself.


11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I went out to a course yesterday, and was so wound up, that I couldn't sleep well.  The next day, I was rude with mom's pharmacy, and haven't returned mom's doc's secretary's calls.  They're both just trying to help, but I'm so grumpy.
I did take mom to another med appointment, but didn't change an old top, and it was religious week for that different doc, so I felt extra guilty looking unkempt.  At least I was "feeling" okay, since I didn't pay attention to my top, until another patient noticed it being old.
I need some rest tonight
And I'm also annoyed that another course might not run...too much to do, and not enough emotional resources
I feel awful, and wish I was useful to society again, but sometimes I wonder

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