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Home Remedy for Earache

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Red, unfortunaltey the pain and fear came back with a vengence today, a bad nightmare did not help, I am trying to hand on!
12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning Debora,
It's good to hear you are feeling a little better..I left you a post under the thread titled Facing Fear..You can read it there.
I hope it helps you in some way..
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Carmie the olive oil helped a little, thank you, and thank you for all you're help you have been a blessing for me with youre encouragement and prayers, all of you have, it helps keep me going when I want to give up, thank you so much.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Carmie,

Thanks for writing me. My ear is still throbbing badly, I called the clinic early this morning and they said "keep taking the antibotics" I only have three days left on them through Carmie, if they were going to work wouldn't they have already worked in the first seven days? Did you have to take your full course before you felt better? I know they are making me very very tired I am sleeping too much, probably some out of depression and pain from the ear, but the antibotic is wiping me out making me very tired which I never hear of but I am on a large dose. My voice is still very raspy I am trying not too talk too much, I am going to try the olive oil today Carmie, the pain is so bad I am ready too cut my head off! You know what I mean, not litterally cut it off, but the "fear" of what it is Carmie is even worse than the pain, and the doctor does not seem to know what it is?

I wish I did not know what I "think" it is throat cancer, I cannot get that out of my brain and as the symptoms get worse, do not get better and the antibotics dont seem to be working it reinforces it in my mind, the two number one symptoms of laranx cancer is loss of voice and ear pain and that keeps swirling around in my brain, I just wish It would go away, the panic is making me so nervous and I dont want a doctor sticking anything down my throat or in my ear, how painful that would be!

I will finish the medicine and hope and pray for the best, I just wish I knew what other than throat cancer could cause these symptoms and for almost ten days! If antibotics are not working I keep thinking its something other than just a infection.
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora:
I can certain relate to how scary it is to not understand what your symptoms mean.  It is the #1 problem I was having when I was not well.  Please don't apologize for anything that you share with us.  I always appreciate what you share because I have had so many similar thoughts.  You are not alone.
How are you feeling today?  I pray that today will be better.  At least your bronchitis and wheezing have improved, right?  I really think you are going to be okay. Keep in touch with your doctor's about your ear.  I am sure it isn't anything dangerous or serious - but it is painful - and that is something they should be able to offer advice for, I think. 
Best wishes for health and peace,
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just logged on again now. I slept for awhile because I was up all last night with the pain. Oh Carmie, Vincenzia and Hugs you're posts brought tears too my eyes {happy tears for a change} You all are so supportive and giving it so helps me through the pain and panic and depression this sickness has brought me, thank you so much for praying and you're words of wisdom.

Thank you for the prayers Hugs please keep them coming! I am breathing Vincenzia and trying to think positive, I am drinking lots of liquids, through its hard because each time I swallow the pain is horrific but I bear it to keep hydrated, thank you.

Carmie thank you so much for you're post, it made me feel a little better too know you're antibotics took awhile too work also, through I wish they had not taken so long for you it broke my heart you had to suffer, I am on day seven now, three more too go, I do not even know if I have strep since he did not do the quick swab which I will never fully understand, I was treated good at the doctors they were nice, I was only hoping the treatment would work faster, the pain in my ear is almost unbearable, but the worst is when I swallow cough or yawn, is that normal? I am so hoping and praying it goes away soon.

My nurse Carmie was nice but it was a very hurried phone call, normally she will speak longer, I think she was busy between patients but I am grateful she called back, she basically said to follow up with the doctor, I am hoping I do not have too, my broncitis is better and my voice a little its just this darned ear that will not heal, I am going to take you're advice and call the phamarcy and see if I can put some olive oil, I think that would be safe, or if there is any antibotic drops over the counter too take, I just wish I knew what it was? The scariest thing is not too know what is causing the bad pain, and if its serious, but its only on the one side and severe, perhaps I just need a few more days too heal, I am laying on my side not my back I notice on my back is worse, are their glands in you're ears? its so strange I have never had this before, and I hope I never do again.

I am sorry I sound so scared and panicky, this is so hard too go through especially with the panic and depression, I guess maybe I am scared it wont go away and its something terminal, which I have to get those dark thoughts out of my head, reading about throat cancer was foolish it just go me so upset! I hope today will be better and I am praying by the end of the weekend it will be gone, thank you all so much for everything, I am so grateful and thankful I have all of you on this site.
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora,
You have all our support.  Please take the time to do some deep breathing, recline in a comfortable chair and has Carmie suggested, keep drinking lots of fluids and thinking positively.  
You have it in you to get through this! 
Vincenza, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'll pray for you too
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora:
So sorry to read about the ear pain and how very scared you are feeling.  Did the nurse practitioner give you any suggestions about what to do to alleviate the pressure in your ear?  I have heard that olive oil is safe and effective for relieving ear pain.  Could you talk to your pharmacist about suggestions?  Also, are you laying down on your back?  That could create more pressure on your ear - perhaps if you can rest in a reclining chair for the night?  That might give you the sleep you need.  It took about 7-8 days for my antibiotics to work.  I went to the doctor's and called them quite a bit that week.  I ended up sending them a thank you note, I was so pleased with the care and attention - even though it took quite awhile for me to heal. 
I will continue to pray for you and to wish for better health for you.  It must be so diffiult for you right now.  I look forward to reading that you are doing well again.  I just know that with a bit of rest and lots of liquids, you will be 100% again.  It feels so nice to be well again after you've been sick.  I remember the feeling very well.  Now, when I am not sick, I really appreciate it.  I know that you will too, very soon.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello everyone. I am still very sick. I went to the doctor and recieved antibotics and an inhaler, he diagnosed me with broncitis and laryingits. The broncitis and wheezing have decreased, but my throat and ear are still throbbing, I cannot eat or sleep, the pain is worse when swallowing just on the left side, but at times its all the time, I am fearful the antibotic is not working but the doctor assured me it would, he never did a strep test which surprised me, if I am no better tommorow, I am going back, I do not want too but that would be one full week on antibotic, I did not expect a miracle but I thought I would be a little better, its really scaring me, I cannot take strong pain killers, because I take klonopin, and tylenol does not help much and I hear too much is bad for the liver, I am so afraid I am dying! I have some horrible virus or throat cancer, I have done everything the Doctor said and I am not better which is scaring me, I am convinced I am dying I have been shaking and crying all day.

Did anyone ever use "sweet oil" a few drops in thier ear for intense ear pain? I remember my Mom did it when I was a little girl, but it was so long ago, I wonder if any Moms out there or anyone ever used this, I think its safe? and did it help? What do you do when antibotics dont work? but the Doc said keep taking the full-course which I am, but I always heard after 3-4 days it gets better, Keflex is pretty strong. I normally never get sore throat or ear pain, I had my tonsils out so that helped, even when my whole family gets a cold my son and husband get a sore throat but I do not, that is really scary too how this happened so sudden like, I also ache all over and am very tired and weepy, I have no fever or swollen glands which would indicate strep so it must be laraynx cancer! One of the main symptom is sore throat with pain radiating to the ear, I am so scared right now, a ENT doctor will take about a week to get into, I cannot believe how sick I am, the panic and depression were bad enough but now this physical thing is really putting me back into a hole, I fear I am dying, whenever I swallow I get a sharp razor like pain in my throat, did anyone ever have this and should not antibotics help, I have lost faith in the doctor everything he gave me is not working and the fear of serious illness is so severe, I dont want to back to the doctor.

I called my nurse-practioner and told her I was afraid I have throat cancer because of my symptoms, she kind of chuckled, not in a mean way, and said its symptoms of a lot of things, but that is why I see her because of panic and fear. I am so confused right now I dont know where to go or do. I keep praying this will end, it has so set me back, this time I really think I am going to die!

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