Hello Everyone,
Thank you for writing me. I am trying not too let the dark thoughts come Vincenzia, if I could get throat cancer out of my mind that would probably be a big help, I know I am scared about them putting a camera down my throat, they have too put you out for that, and I wont do that, I would rather have a local, my Mother had a general and she never came out of it she went into a coma and died so I would never do that, cant they just look down you're throat with a mirror and light?
I am still very sick, which surprises me, I am now on day six of a powerful antiobotic and should be feeling better and that too scares me. The chest and wheezing is a little better and my voice a little better, which I am grateful for, but the ear problem is brutal, constant pain, at first it was just when I was swallowing now its all the time, and I dont understand since I am taking the medication and taking it correctly, should an earache last a week?? I have tried heat, tyelnol and nothing helps, I am getting SO scared I am never going to get well or its cancer, I know how you felt Carmie when you had strep throat, the Doctor did not do a strep swab which surprised me since its so quick easy and painless, I thought I got good care I hope so.
I was thinking of going back to the Doctor this evening or tommorow, tommarow will be one week and he said if I was no better to come back in a week, I do not want to go but I may have too, this ear pain is scaring me and I cannot eat or drink hardly because of the "razor blade stabbing" that comes when I swallow? the doctor did not know what it meant, if he does not know I surely dont, I am so sad and mad and frustrated I am still so sick, I went to the Doctor and it did not help much.
Did anyone ever have an earache for a week or so? and the pain worse when swallowing? and if so what did they do too alleviate the pain? Should I try warm sweet oil? peroxide did not help which is very strange because normally it does help.
I am just so confused and depressed and panicky, something terrible is wrong and I do not know what it is and apparently the Doctor does not know either, shouldnt an earache go away in a week on antibotics? How long did your antibotics take too work CARMIE?? I have been so sick I forget if you told me. thank you all so much, please write me back...Deb.