I was thinking of whether I can keep my focus daily.
I had finished sifting for a time audit form, since I feel lost without measuring my time use. I realized at some point that I'd forgotten why I was sifting! These conditions on this website that we struggle, make it hard to focus, since I get interrupted by my uneasiness, and lose my way.
Seeing someone weekly, doing the homework, logging on daily when I need some connection, and using systems to keep myself organized(measuring things that are obstacles like the right amoutn of sleep, my tv use, my time online posting, etc), keeping myself physically active( working out every other day) pull me together.
The site's quotes help me focus myself emotionally sometimes since they are distillations of exception peoples' lives.
Mother Theresa said "..we do no great things, only small things with great love...." in my favourite religious book "Sabbath" by W Muller.