I thought I would drop in real quick and say hello this afternoon..With a little update..
I have been doing a lot of exposure the last few weeks outside of my home. I was getting pretty tired from it all yesterday afternoon and this morning..So I took my vitamins this morning and all is well again..I am really surprised at how fast I bounced back this time..
I am going to sign out of the forum for the weekend early this week. I have lots and lots to do..I have a fabric exchange coming up in my quilting class next Tuesday and jury duty on Thursday..So I am planing and getting a head start on my projects..I have done all of the work exposure shopping for fabrics and now I working on getting the fabric ready for the exchange..This involves many steps. Selecting the fabrics, prewashing, drying, pressing and starching the fabric and then cutting the fabric into forty 10" perfect squares, which I will be taking to my class and exchanging them with other classmates..These squares will later be utilized in the formation of quilts block which will later be used to complete a quilt..It takes time and patience.
This whole process reminds me of how I worked the cbt program..With planned exposure and in small steps..Kind of like making a quilt..and just like a quilt the reward is priceless..
Keep working the program everyone and you will get there..
Davit sorry to hear about your hip. I hope you are letting yourself rest today, tomarrow and all of this weekend..
So that you can get well soon..