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Very Depressed Today

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It is worrying me Davit, I have so many other bodily problems that I dont want to worry about anymore! Falling was never a fear of mine and it is now, I have to stop thinking about it and thinking something is wrong, I mean people hit thier knees everyday, look how hard those football players go down! Trying to self-talk. I just found out my son and husband are going to a football game tonight and I will be alone, my husband is not up to this after his oral surgery but my son is pushing it and I dont think he should drive, I have to do some breathing, I feel very anxious today, and I do not want to go backward it was so much hard work to go forward.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was 53 when I had both my knees replaced, Yes it could be worse.

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes Davit I doubt that prozac would help, paxil zoloft and lexapro did not so I doubt prozac would they are in the same class. I am kind of freaking out today {I am going to post on another forum} I took a hard fall in my bathroom last night and I hurt my knee really bad, its a shame because my knees are one part of my body that do not give me trouble, it happened so fast, now I am trying not to think its a clot or something, I fell real hard. Trying not too dwell on it, it hurts but I can take the pain I just hope nothing bad happens! Trying to keep positive, it could of been worse!
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I had a girlfriend that could not take the hormones after menopause and she did have to start an ace inhibitor for blood pressure.  She is fine and healthy but a bit overweight. She doesn't let that bother her. She still curls in the winter. For some the hormone replacement does make them sick, it isn't in their head.

Yes I read about taking an SSRI for hypochondria, but it is not prozac. There is one specifically for worry. I'd have to look the name up but it wouldn't matter if you can't take it. All it does is reduce the tendency to worry so you can do CBT. Prozac won't cure Hypochondria or GAD or any other mental disorder based on worry. You would still have to do CBT. 


Ps A lot of my friends are dying but most are in their eighties. I'm 60 and have lots of friends. some in their nineties and still going strong. 
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow that is something and a little scary to have all those friends die, I am sorry for you're loss Davit. I would not even correlate pains in the legs with a heart attack?! Maybe it was all that walking he was doing caused the leg pain I dont know if it would cause heart attack pain. Twice in a year I have had a chest x-ray and a EKG because of chest pain and they could not find anything, which is good but I hope its not angina, I long for the day I can completely quit smoking, one less risk factor.

Hypocrondria is terrible it impacts you're life so badly and takes away all joy and peace, and when I get all these scary symptoms I dont know whether its anxiety or something worse and I know I cannot run to the ER or doctor everyday. I walked 30 minutes tonight, I did NOT eat too healthy through, my husband just had oral surgery, dentures and a absessed tooth pulled so I just made macaroni and cheese tonight, something soft, I ate some which I know is not a good choice, but  I tried to walk it off and "comfort food" once in awhile is alright, I did not put any butter or milk in it so it was semi-healthy.

I think I may lie down for an hour, the progesterone is making me very tired {thats a hormone} and PMS is tiring me. I wish their was a "magic pill" I could take for the" health anxiety"  that would be great NOT to worry about it so much, but I worry about everyones health anyway! I have a book on hypocrondria but its not too helpful, they basically say to "take prozac" which I cannot do, lets hope and pray in time I can not worry so much.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

A healthy respect for heart attacks and cancers is a good idea. The people here that I know that have died from them were pushing themselves hard and ignoring the signs. That morning Greg had said he did not feel well and his legs hurt. He should have gone to the hospital but went to work anyway. He didn't have to either. He was retired.
Another guy was roto tilling gardens for extra money. Another guy had just cross country skied 25 miles even though he knew he shouldn't. When the symptoms hit he had a hot bath instead of going to the hospital. You could say they all killed themselves with stupidity. A friend of mine helped us shingle my roof, but he knew what to watch for and he had quit smoking and was taking good care of himself. Still I kept an eye on him because it was hot out. I made the crew stop a couple of times to catch their breath. Ignoring symptoms would be like me ignoring staph infection signs. That would be dumb. 
I am concerned about my health but not excessively worried. My Dad died of Alzheimer's at 65.
My mother died of cancer at 53. That was tragic because it was a misdiagnosis. 
So concern is healthy and a medical as often as your doctor thinks necessary is a good idea.
What you are doing is not your fault. Excessive worry takes more work than other anxiety disorders other than maybe OCD because the worry is negative and causes more worry. 
Hypochondria or health phobia as it's other name says, is just that. CBT can cure it and you have a chance to prove that true and be an example for others that have the same problem. You are not alone, you are just brave enough to come out in the open and seek help.
You don't want to ignore symptoms but you do have to question them. You can do nothing for them but like my pain you can control how much you focus on them. In eight days I have to make a five hour drive so my leg has to be better. Worry will slow down the healing so I am doing everything to ease it back into use and in the mean time I will try real hard to forget I only have a week. 
Stay positive.


12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That is sad about you're friend Greg, I hope he is at peace and a better place now. I worry about heart attacks too Davit, congestive heart runs in my family, it seems like everyone gets it! My Dad died of it at 67 and my Mom died of a brain tumor at 55, both were so young and I have never really gotten over it, my Mom was my best friend, she died nine years ago and I just lost my Dad last year April, I feel they died so young and my Mom took good care of herself, my Dad was very depressed when my Mom died and kind of gave up, losing my parents at their younger ages really affected me and I miss them so.

I do not do drugs and I do not drink, I am a little overweight, but I try to walk at least 20 minutes a night and eat healthier, I smoke but very little, just enough to get by and not have withdrawal, I wish I could cold-turkey but my therapist said not to quit till the anxiety is more under control, I guess he thinks I will relaspe or have more anxiety, and he also said I think, in my mind and brain, that I am going to die early as my parents did, and yes that is a concern, I try SO hard not too think about it  but I cannot stop. I want to live and take care of my son, I know you cannot "force" health, I am working on it through.

That was funny and cute about PMS! My husband dreads my time every month too, I think he wants to lock me in a closest with a quart of ice-cream of something! I have been living with it since I was 12 yrs old but this darned peri-menopause has changed everything and there is really nothing you can do about it, since I lost my Mom I have noone to ask about it, my friend went through it but will not talk about it, I know its a personal private matter and maybe women do not want to talk about it, I read some books but they scared me to death!! Very negative and scary, I don't read about it anymore.

We are having a little cool front and it feels good after all this heat, I know you live in Canada, I was there when I was a very little girl and I do not remember it too well, I know its beautiful through, I have relatives in Buffalo which is very close to the Falls and Canada. I am trying to think "this too will pass" I hope you feel better and you're pain decreases, it sounds like you got so much done!
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thank you. Greg will be missed by those that knew him. He was the opposite of anxiety. Nothing bothered him. He knew his health was not good. He knew he should not be smoking but didn't try to quit even though he had already had a bad heart attack a few years back. We knew he was a time bomb. He was in his early fifties. Not overweight but he was abusing his body with booze, marijuana and morphine. I didn't know he was an alcoholic either. He was also a very smart man just weak when it came to pain. Truth is that he was trying to cram too much living in after he got his back fixed. He went from walking no where to walking five miles every day. He was disappointed that he didn't feel better. Other than that he was happier than I ever saw him in his last month. Some things take time and patience. He didn't have that.

You will get better again but you need patience because it does take time. Even if it takes years what is that compared to never. The twelve week course gives you the tools but if you look at the rest of us you will see it takes years to reverse the damage, and it will never be over. We will continue to improve and get better till we surpass the normal people. After all we know what we are dealing with, they don't.

Your last post was very positive. If you read it again you will see you even expressed the negative in a positive frame. That sort of vent is harmless. It becomes just a statement then not a worry. I mean harmless to you. Remember everything goes through memory in a circle so the more positive happy thought you can get in there the sooner you start to feel better.

Today is a miserable cold wet windy day so it is just as well I'm resting now since there is some good weather coming in a couple of days. I'm hoping to be back on my feet by then.
Positive attitude has been proven to help speed healing. It certainly does for me. And in my shape I need all the help I can get.

Did you know PMS stands for "putting up with men's s...t". :-)

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The reason I did not write you right back yesterday was because I could not get the internet up. It kept saying "webpage unavailable" we have a old computer and that seems to happen frequently lately, my son got it up and running this morning.

I don't think you are being "hard" on me Davit, I think you want me to feel and get better, you are more "tough love" and I do not say that in a bad way, you have never been annoying to me, I know you and all the members want to help me, sometimes the truth is hard too hear but I guess at times it needs to be said, right now I guess I am very fragile, I use to be tough and independent and this is so hard because I feel I become clingly and dependent which is hard for me to grasp, Sunny and You and Hugs and all the rest of the members have really embraced me, and the moderators of course, kindness compassion and advice that has helped me so much, and reading the program, I don't feel so alone and isolated as I try so hard to recover.

I am SO sorry about you're friend who died Davit, that is terrible, I understand what you mean by life is short, and I try to remember that saying when I find myself constantly worrying about things, going through life scared to death is NO way to live and I feel I have wasted so much time, I am a little better but I know I have a ways to go yet, I just hope to keep going up and not back down, like you this started with a true physical illness, when you mentioned you're staph infections, mine started like that too, not staph, but other things, when my health broke down, I broke down, but I am ready to get better.

My grandmother had severe arthritis, it runs in my family, so I feel for you, but you seem to really do well, the home projects you describe take a lot of work and energy I know, my friend also has arthritis and parkinson's so I have seen the pain it can cause. I will try to write one positive thing a day from now on, that is a good idea, much better than being negative. My last post had to do with more women's problems so I know "thats not you're area,{ ha-ha} it just makes the symptoms worse. I am trying to work through it, again I am so sorry about you're friend. Thanks.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Someone thinks I'm being too hard on you! What do you think. I want to help. I'm better at information. She is better at support. If I'm annoying then tell me.


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