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Unfinished Business Anyone?

12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Me too, someone ask him. I think this is important, to important for just the forums.

12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That's a great idea hugs4u, I highly recommend asking the expert! 

Samantha, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I guess I could Hugs. He has so many other questions through. This started when my panic came back so it must be connected, I think about sickness and dying so of course I am going to dream about it, the sub-conscious I guess.
I am very nervous today Hugs, I had a horrible night of coughing and wheezing, hoping its just the weather or acid reflex and we are under a tornado warning all night and morning and my son is very uspet and nervous, I am trying to stay calm for him but as you know calmness is not one of my strongpoints. Just hoping to make it through the day with prayer and hope.
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

What do you think of asking the expert, Dr F?

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am having dream issues too Hugs. Not the classic nightmares where people are chasing me and creatures or anything, mine are about health dying hospitals sicknesses etc.....Every time I wake up I am having them, they use too come right before I woke for the day now I am having these dreams every hour or so?! I go to bed in peace, or so I think, I pray and breathe and think good thoughts but these darned scary dreams about sickness and dying come every night and morning, it MUST be on my mind and in my brain and it really starts the day bad. I am hoping in time they go away, its like every single night and morning not just once a week or so, its like even while sleeping my brain cannot turn off. I wish it would stop, bad way to start the day.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I used to have a nightmare hold over from a job I did that did not go as planned and left me embarrasses. (like that word, Bare ass'd sums up the feeling) It was a pissing contest and I lost out to an idiot because my boss undermined my authority to appease a lazy ass that would have sulked for weeks and slowed down the job. I was left to look like a fool. This ass was my wife's brother too. And he was a mental midget, but he could drive a truck. Worst part is that I had saved his bacon on more than one occasion. This one incident coloured my thinking for years and I was very careful after an spent all my time being the best and trying to be appreciated so it wouldn't happen again. You guessed it. It did. Two little bumps in a very long road. But being negative I held onto them tight. Why? Because they were a mark on a distinguished career. A blemish so to speak that could not be polished out. I also thought of them as mistakes I made, and in a way they were since I didn't prevent them. 
They no longer bother me since accepting that there are things in my life I can never change and things that happen that are out of my control. We all have them. I now look at them as funny. Life is funny some times. Sit coms are based on this very thing. I guess that is why I hate them. In the end we die and who will care. I doubt the Idiot or my boss of then even remember. My boss told my brother I was the best worker he ever had so I guess I got something out of it. I became very good at what I did.

There is that little word in your post. Avoid. I don't think you should avoid the mine field. I think you should go back through it with a long stick and trip each one you come too. Find something funny or ridiculous about each one so they can fade. They are in the past and can only be learned from or laughed at as the case may be. Laughing at ourselves is good medicine. Anyone who has not done something stupid or embarrassing must be in a coma. Or luckily blind to there own faults. 

Look closely at them and ask yourself how important are they really to how I live now. Would changing them make that much difference. Probably not so it is time to let them go.

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Been doing CBT for a long time, and do relaxation before bed.  I don't know how the nightmares are related yet, except that I have more time, and maybe am tripping some triggers intentionally.
Since I know the triggers, I guess I need to avoid the minefield which will causes unpleasant thoughts, and the consequences.
But I do have some unfinished issues, and will work those out.
Thank you Josie
12 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Could CBT help in gaining exposure to begin to assert yourself slowly?
The age old "relaxation before bed" may help to ease those dreams as your are relaxing your mind and body, to get a more restful sleep.
Members, please share your thoughts!

Josie, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I wonder if members have any issues they wish to resolve,on a small or large scale in life, personal or professional?
I can't wake without a nightmare about work, because of some negative repercussions, and wish to assert myself, as a result.  I haven't been able to do this, since I've had caregiving responsibilities and other responsibilities since I left.  It seems time, and my dreams won't let me rest, so my unconsciousness is agreeing with me, I think.

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