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Smile....and don't shoot the messenger


2024-09-27 3:17 PM

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Site seems a little faster


2024-09-05 4:43 PM

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What are negative core beliefs?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-17 7:35 PM

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Creating a stress plan

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2024-07-08 4:16 PM

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Quote of the day

12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Truth of the matter is that at this time of the year I can't find a reason to do anything else other than computer. My solution to watching too much TV is to not have one. My solution to too much internet is to unplug my connection. Like I will do right now and it will stay unplugged till Sunny needs to check Emails. Today I intend to get something done. "whether" I do or not, the intention is there.

12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You got that one right...That sixth word "Whether"
The internet is a portal thats for sure..The problem is I spend way to much time on the computer. I know "how and what" I need to do if I want to be physically and emotionally healthier. I need to spend less time on the computer and get up and get moving.
It's really very simple..or is it? 
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What you have to do and the way you have to do it is incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter.
- Peter F. Drucker

The internet is the portal to anything you wish to know, so questions of how aren't obstacles to getting things done.  It used to be that planning was simplified into the 5W's(who,what, when, where and why) but there was always this sixth obstacle in the background - "Whether" - you would make the choice.
I noticed this last week that I spent 2 1/2 hours daily watching tv, and figured that would be 900 hours of time I could use more creatively - "whether" I wished to do...
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Confidence doesn't come out of nowhere. It's a result of something... hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication.
Roger Staubach
This is the time of year when it's a good time to refect on the past year and plan for a following year with similar successes and more.
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Confidence is courage at ease.
- Daniel Maher

It's the "ease"  part of the equation which makes it difficult.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Because I am at the end of my life and disabled I see life different now. In the end we all die and nothing matters. When a person is young they have all these goals and they want to make their mark in life. They want to leave something behind to be remembered for. Been there, done that. I have nothing to prove to me or anyone. I'm trying with mixed results to just enjoy my life for what it is now. There are plenty of reasons for disappointment now and yes they can still bother me sometimes. I would say too that if anyone has a reason for anger and depression it is me. That being said it is very important that I don't let it get to me.

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Accept failure as a normal part of living. View it as part of the process of exploring your world; make a note of its lessons and move on.
- Tom Hobson

I wonder if others see obstacles to moving on?  I have trouble with holding onto anger or disappointment.
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.
- Napoleon Hill

Today is one of those days I wake up making sure I need a life preserver.
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Winners take chances. Like everyone else, they fear failing, but they refuse to let fear control them.
- Nancy Simms

Although life isn't win/lose....
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If you really want something you can figure out how to make it happen.
- Cher

With the accessibility of the universe's information through the internet, how to get things done is not a priority anymore.  What is more important is managing my mood and dodging those distracting thoughts to stay on one's path.

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