I've been going through some physical illness recently, and it's intermittent. Is there value in continuing exposure work, irregardless of how I feel physically?
I usually take it easy, since I think I'll recover more quickly. Also, since exposure work is a form of relearning, I usually want to be as present as possible. I don't find I learn well if I'm feeling poorly.
I also don't wish to associate feeling unwell with exposure, since I figure I'd be discouraging myself from the social activity in the future, since I'll remember the physical bad feelings, and the excercise will backfire by teaching me that what i'm trying to learn is unpleasant.
On the other hand, I could learn to socialize, and not be focused on my mood.
It looks like I'm going to feel this way for a while, but I like to have some progress in most activities, since most things have a social aspect.
I try to think of low-energy things when I'm feeling this way, and wish to list them. eg. I'm overdue for a haircut(the local squirrels looks sexier); I could get my nails done(but I don't want the FBI following me after I meet the good looking flirty Asian nail technician since she could be an international plant);etc
Any opinions, thoughts, theories?