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Getting to know members - How do you spend your time 2

12 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If you are just joining us in these discussions feel free to post your thoughts and say hello!  We use these discussions to get to know members as individuals and not just as their disorder or addiction.  Remember, you are not your disorder.
This week’s question relates to our last getting to know members discussion where we asked, how are you spending your time?  Who are you with? What are you doing and where are you?
Through answering this question you can get an idea of what you are making a priority in your life.  How you are spending your time can relate to what you value.  If you noticed you spend most of your time on things that you do not value and/or do not want to be your priority then how could you be better spending your time?
In other words, how can you be spending more of your time to reflect what you value?
Ashley, Health Educator

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