Davit - regarding trying to look at posting:
What I didn’t say, and would have helped is that I was using a laptop, and once writing goes over several lines, it prolongs the time I need to crane my neck on a sharp angle, and I have a problem with my neck. I have to tweak my laptop and its placement on an old computer table. I’ll have to see a physical therapist Tuesday about the conditions in my shoulder and too much mousing, posture, etc.
I’m aware of the contact “form”, but I didn't use it, since only the reading members can volunteer to make such a change, and others may just mirror the format of the those who wish to be understood. There are many people who just ignore all the great guidelines too, and that can be okay too.
The skilled facilitators have a difficult job coaching, since we’re at different stages. I’m afraid I just skip some of the longer posts, since it hurts my neck, but I’ve taught myself to use another monitor to alleviate that now! That was satisfying because it’s just one of those things I felt I had to do, and did.
What's important is the "teachable moment", and it seemed appropriate to me.
Loss of focus is part of our “condition” and why we’re on this site too, isn’t it? So it follows, that snippets, or bite-size writing is easier to process, or take in.
Wish Red best of luck if I miss her posting!