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I was doing better...

13 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Definitely proud of you for looking toward the positive! Thanks everyone for suggesting session#10 about progressive relaxation.  I think we take the techniques for granted, but they do doesn't hurt to try!
Seeking extra support within a therapist is a great assistance for you.  Yes! Do seek someone you are comfortable with and bring along the anxiety test, as it can help pinpoint areas to work on and better assess the situation for you both.
Very proud of the members stepped up with some great ideas, thoughts and support!
Josie, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


I noticed, after reviewing our posts, that your symptoms and recoveries are getting shorter with time. Hopefully your “fear goggles” aren’t masking your perception of progress, since you are progressing.

With your good listener in your court, you’ll advance more quickly with homework, and the program is a good complement to any CBT practising-professional.

The fact that you realize that there is a cycle, and that you are part of feeding or diminishing the cycle is a great source of encouragement to you, I hope.   Keep choosing to diminish them and you’ll get a greater sense of control, incrementally.  Breakthroughs happen too!

I find it hard to learn when my mood isn’t optimum, but you show you’re absorbing the basics of CBT.

By building on each other’s successes, we’ll be able to work on our CBT homework and enjoy spring like the two nesting birds in your profile, for many different seasons and other fun activities.
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The problem with the English language is that the same word can have more than one meaning and more than one intensity. Did I say anger or violent, there is a difference.
If it doesn't work for you, don't do it. This is a forum where we state what works for us. And every thing I say works, worked for me, or I would not mention it.

Sunny, that is it exactly. It is called being assertive if any one wants to take the time to look it up.

~m, by being assertive with yourself. Not aggressive, I would never recommend aggression, especially to any other person, even if it would help. I know people who do this. My brother for one. It works for him. He transfers his anxiety to every one around him. This is not right.
No, think on what Sunny said, Don't turn fear into anger, use anger to turn fear aside. Slight difference in meaning here even though the words are the same.

Here for you,
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi ashepp3:  sounds like a good idea to me. :)  Keep the faith.
13 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The relaxation strategies do help me sleep at night, so I'm glad I learned them. The good thing is my symptoms don't last very long, only a few seconds usually, and I do seem to get over it faster every time. I wish there was a way to prevent them in the first place, but it's probably better for me to focus on not overreacting to the physical symptoms and breaking that cycle. 

Thanks for the good advice everyone.
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi:  I would think it's not meant to be a full-out anger session where you are upset and yelling and your heart is racing and you're all tensed up and really feeling out of control.  I think it's more an assertive stance of "take a hike, I'm all done with this crap" and really meaning it.  Reminds me of the first time I did that.  I still remember because I was so surprised that it just left me, just like "poof" and was gone.  I was very busy with things to get done and the panic/anxious symptoms were starting up out of the blue and I said aloud very assertively, "go ahead you do what you gotta do, I'm too busy right now" and it vanished.  I told it where to go. No kidding.  Hope this might work for others too.
Your friend, Sunny
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was going to let Josie or another facilitator comment on the substitute for one intense feeling for another.
Ashley, with regards to relaxation, please be patient with yourself.  It does take some time to get used to it.
That's something your medical professional can coach you on, although session #10 has the basics.
13 years ago 0 376 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How can I turn fear into anger when anger makes me so afraid?
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Since Propranolol shouldn't do that I would say medication is not the problem so I will join the others in recommending relaxation and coping skills. If it had of been medication it would be harder to deal with. Annoying as it is it does sound like just part of the process of getting better. it is natural to question whether it is working. When you do it subconsciously it sneaks up and blind sides you. I'm pretty sure if you accept it that it will get better and they will get farther apart. I agree with you the ones that come out of the blue when every thing seems fine are the most scary, at least mine were. Just remember that they are only temporary. You will get through this. I did.

Here for you,

13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I glad to see you are looking towards the positive and seeking a therapist that you are comfortable with..I think Hugs suggestion about looking at session 10 is a great idea..I am going to give it a try also..and what Davit said about Anger makes a lot of sense to me it is better to get mad, and say I don't want to do this anymore, it is just panic and a pain in the butt".
I know it is hard when you are going along and feeling good and the panic just comes out of no where..but it is not a setback it is a learning experience..I think we learn from every one of them and they make us stronger in the end..It will and does get better with experience and we learn from doing and from each other here on the forum..So keep working the program and stay with us..We can all lean on each other here when the going gets tough..
Your Friend,

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