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Hello everyone, I´m new....

13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI Flint.

If I did not welcome you then welcome.  In grained fears may be a word people may be more familiar with than core beliefs, but they are pretty much the same thing. Posting your storey maybe hard and it may be embarrassing, But even if it doesn't help you it will let some one know they are not alone. It was not easy to post that I was in the psych ward but I was and I now know I'm not the only one. We have a good group here but I would like to see it larger. Maybe our story's will attract others.

Here for you
13 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome and congratulations on the upcoming nuptials! Thanks so much for having the courage to post your story here, and you're certainly not alone.
When I first read it, I couldn't believe how similar it was to how my own anxiety manifests itself, fear of "poop accidents" and all. One of these days I'll work up the will to post my own story, but I've been struggling with the same fears for years, and steadily increased avoidance behavior drove me to a point where it was difficult just to leave home. I recently found out that a medication I was taking was the primary culprit of my daily GI problems (have you ruled out any physical causes?), but I'm still working on overcoming these in-grained fears and getting my life back. I'm still far from being "my old self", but have made more progress in the past six months than in the past six years.
I'm also fairly new to this program, but can already notice the benefits. And as you've probably already noticed, the people that post in the forums are very helpful, motivating, and inspiring. Hope you're able to stick with it and enjoy a wonderful wedding in June.
Take care,
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi cmgypsy:  Welcome to the site!  Best wishes on your upcoming wedding.  That's happy news!  So glad you found us.  You'll get lots of support here, we're a friendly bunch.  Some with no panic attacks anymore, Davit and me.  Some in the middle of the program, some just starting as you are.  Pls. ask as many questions as you want.  We're here to learn and support each other.  When I attended a support group a few yrs. back, we used to do a breathing relaxation exercise first, then at the end of the meeting a muscle or visualization ex.  I think you can safely go to that chapter and start practicing these.  It took me awhile to get the hang of it, but practice makes perfect and when you'll need them, they'll come more easily to you. 
Keep the faith.
13 years ago 0 152 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome CM Gypsy and congratulations on your upcomming wedding, I panic about driving as well, i never used to just the last two years, i am up to the exposure part of the program and am really trying to push myself to stop avoiding things where i have to drive out of my local area.
no one will judge you here we all have our own issues and we are all here to help each other.
go straight to the relaxation tips to learn some immediate relief, i find the breathing and PMR really help me and keep posting as it helps to talk
13 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to our support community. As you can see you are not alone and there is lots of support to go around.  Do ask questions and do post often.  The members have a world of knowledge and support to give.  Davit gave you some amazing advice about the program and the exposure work, so why not take a look and get started on your healing.
Take it one session at a time and ask questions, we do know where you are coming from.

Josie, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for the reply Davit! It really is nice to have someone experiencing this same condition to talk to.  I am actually really motivated to work this program and get my anxieties under control.  I absolutely hate knowing that if something is coming up (ex: having to drive my mom to hospital next week for a surgery), that I am going to be worrying about the drive every moment right up until getting into the car.  I know that it is unreasonable for me to stress but my brain apparently has its own agenda. I am so looking forward to getting futher into this program and learning the relaxation and coping skills.  I am realistic and know that something that has been going on for years is not going to disappear overnight but the thought that maybe I can not be a panicky mess the day of my wedding, well that it was I'm going to hold onto and it will keep me strong through this process.
Thank you again for the response and the welcome!!!
I am here for all as well.
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

First welcome.
June hey. Not enough time for a cure I would say but probably enough time to give you relaxation skills and coping skills and still have time to learn about core beliefs. I believe from reading your post that you probably have some negative ones. Work the program diligently and post often with any questions you have and anything you don't understand. Reversing panic is simple, doing it is time consuming and can be hard with out an understanding of why it is happening to you. You will likely be still working on it after your wedding but I am confident that if you stick with it you can have enough coping skills in place to do the wedding. Being on a beach I would think is the ideal place to do exposure. I have spent a lot of time riding in ambulances so I know the fear of having a poop attack, especially when I was on antibiotics and so loose I was scared to, if you will excuse the expression, fart. We here have some weird fears and overcome them. You can too.

You referred to what you have as a disease. Actually it is a condition not a disease and totally curable.  More later.

Here for you,
13 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not sure where to start so here goes.  Stumbled across this site and was amazed at how I was reading about me! I've been putting off addressing my issues because I've felt so hopeless in beating this horrible disease and not really knowing how to go about it.   After reading through the first session I actually have a glimmer of hope that I can get back to being a normal and healthy person living without anxieties ruling my life.
So, heres my story.  I cannot drive with anyone other than my mother or two sons in my car with me.  My poor fiance who is nothing but supportive, caring, patient, kind and loving cannot ride with me and my best friend can occasionally depending on my anxiety level for the day.  The simple thought of someone other than my mom or son getting into my car with me will send me into a full blown panic attack.  I was not always like this.  I dread getting stuck in traffic, on a bridge, in a tunnel and so on.  Any situation with the possibility of my "being trapped" will send me over the edge.  I might be able to overcome not being able to have anyone in the car with me if my fear of having a "poop" attack was not so overwhelming.  I have done alot of searching within myself and have realized that the "embarrassement" of having a "poop accident" in front of someone else is what most of my anxiety stems from.  I am swallowing my fear even now of someone reading this and thinking "gross".  The more I read though of others apparently having the same issues as I the more I am beginning to think that I can actually talk openly about this without having someone come down on me about how "inappropriate" it is to dicuss such a thing. 
I am missing out on so many wonderful adventures with my fiance because of my anxieties and panic attacks.  We live at a beach and I'd give anything to be able to just jump up at any given time and say to him "let's go for a walk on the beach".  Unfortunately before I can even get the thought into words my brain automatically goes to " don't know where the closest bathroom will be.....what if you get stuck on the beach with no restroom to get to in time!".  So there I continue to sit wanting to go and do something but being frozen in fear to do it. 
I am getting married in June and here I can't even imagine getting into the same car as my fiance to get to our own wedding because of this stupid fear of having a panic attack on the way and needing a bathroom IMMEDIATELY!  I know this man loves me for sure since he is willing to take two separate cars to our wedding...........I am very lucky.  I just want to get through this and be able to give him a mentally healthy wife that can ride in a car with him without losing her stomach at the mere thought.  So here I am and I am determined to follow this program through to the end with his help. 
Thank you for listening and any advice, tips and so on will be greatly appreciated.

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