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SSRI´s and Exposure Work (CBT)

13 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sunny 123,
Thank you for your responce. I will take your suggestions. I think that I am trying to conquer everything at once and it can get a bit frustrating.  I will start to think about my goals and go at them at a moderate pace.
Thanks again for posting.
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Queens06:  It's one step at a time.  Easy does it.  You can't do everything at once and you are thinking of all the things you would like to accomplish in the future and maybe feeling overwhelmed.  I suggest you do one thing at a time.  Have you tried making a list of all the goals you want to achieve?  You will have short-term goals and long-term goals.  Short term ones are the ones in a few days or wks. (e.g. walk outside every day).  Long term goals are more in the future, say months or even a yr. such as flying south for holiday.  As you approach each goal you can use your coping techniques, such as Juanita mentioned, deep breathing, relaxation before attempting the goal.  (Practice these techniques every day, then they'll be there when you need them.)  One goal at a time.  Then you can do this goal several times to feel more comfortable with it.  Now scratch that off your list and unto the next goal. 
It is true, SSRIs take up to 6 wks. 2 months to have full effect.  Be gentle with yourself and take good care of your health meantime.  You can do it!  step by step. You gotta believe and keep the faith.  Any questions, just ask, post as often as you wish.  We are here to support you and answer if we can.
Your friend, Sunny
13 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Queens,
I've been on 20 mg celexa for almost 7 months. What I've found is that overall I'm so much calmer, and happier, that I can put my coping skills that I've learnt here in practice.... making the exposures easier.
Take my elevator exposures...previously, when I knew I had to use one, I had worried and fretted about it so much, by the time I got near an elevator I was scared. Now, I am no longer afraid, as I am calm proir to, and use my breathing ... for me it was that vicuous circle.....   highly anxious to begin with, add some fear, and that led to panic. Taking this SSRI has gotten rid of my daily the unreasonable fear is down alot.
It wasnt overnight took a good six weeks  before I was really aware of the changes in me.
Absolutely worth it...I now:see a doctor without panic, take medical tests, take elevators, sit a hairdresser's chair, drive over bridges, walk long wharfs, get sick and get over it fast...oh, there are so many wonderful things that I am experiencing now...and you will too! Just hang in there and always try to switch from negative to positive thinking! It really works!
Good Luck,
13 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Queens.06,
Have you talked to your doctor about any of these questions?  
I am interested in what members have to say regarding using medication alongside the program.

Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello there,
Currently I am on 10 mg of Prozac (been on it for about 2 weeks now, as per my previous posts I have increased the dosage slowly). I am wondering/hoping that taking the SSRI will help me with respect to my CBT. I have been working on doing some exposures, but I stoped for a bit. I am not sure if the med's are working yet, but for those who have tried SSRI's how has it improved your ability to do this program? Some days I feel defeated and wonder if I will be able to get on a plane, ride the subway without panic. Any thoughts suggestions? Please post.

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