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13 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Autumn-Sky.
Thamk you for responding to my posting. I am also having my husband read  my writing especially if it is a newsletter to our clients.  We have a signal, that if he hears my voice start to change and can feel my energy rising, he will put his hand on my back.  Sometimes I remember that it is a signal, othertimes it feels annoying since it interferes with what I want to say.  Sometimes I literally put tape across my mouth to help it stay shut!  Even today, we had a phone conversation with the owner of a property next door to one of the properties we let her know the renters have been doing crazy things.  Turned out it was her grown children and for everything we told her she had a come back, total nievity and denial.  My husband could hear the pitch of my voice going up and was able to do the hand gesture for me to bring it down.  I eventually had to walk away from the conversation so I wouldn't say anything inappropriate. So, from this point on we'll document, call the police or fire dept and then have proof of their wrong doings. My husband, who is more eloquint then me, finally told her it was senseless to continue the conversation (in his words not these) and we hope we won't have to follow through at other times. But I am much better then I ever was in my life, only because I hit bottom and the contrast between my husband and myself is so extreme it was glaring in my face - I could no longer deny it.
Feels like your energy has calmed down abit. Hope you are getting some inspiration from the group  to help you figure out what to do with your situation.  I'm glad you are still with us. Looking forward to more sharing with you on all the forums.
13 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Upsidedown,
When i write i get carried away. When i email, or post on a forum or when i'm writing a letter. I just go on and on and i sometimes feel like i say too much, or that i say things that shouldn't have been said. Then when i don't get a response back from the person i think its because of something i said that was wrong and i beat myself up about it. I express myself better when i write than when i talk. But like you said i think i can be impulsive as well with the things that i say. Sometimes i will read it over and try to take somethings out but i usually don't. Recently i wrote letters to my sister and brother who i had not spoken to in a long time and i had my bf read them first. I understand how you feel about that, just wanted you to know.
13 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have 'always' in the past been impulsive, whether it is writing something or saying something.
After the last time for each of those, I have finally slowed down.
My husband, who has the patience of a saint has the ability to wait before responding.  He has been my role
model and teacher by helping me. 
I don't know if this is a man thing or not - he writes from logic, whereas, and perhaps this is a woman thing - I write from emotion.  In our business, we can get phone calls or letters, some of which are pact with an emotional bang.  After he writes his logic response I put in a couple of emotional words so the person will 'get it'. And vise versa, I will have him edit my letters or responses to write it with less emotion and more logic.  And it works every time.
I was always told that expression about  - you can catch more bees with honey ....(cant remember it - I'm sure someone knows what it is).
Now that all my meds have kicked in it has helped me to be more 'passive' by using assertiveness instead of aggression.
I used to tell everyone that it's because I'm from NY (I live in southern UT now) aggression is in my blood.
We made a joke out of it - and when we needed to be aggressive - my husband would say - pull a NY on them.
Now he says after hearing me respond to someone - that he would have been more strong.
When I'm about to make a call - he reminds me to be gentle, although it's been quite awhile since I shot arrows at anyone.
I think I only did it once recently because I taste tested something that had chocolate in it.
Anyway, nice to read in your post that you wait.  It's another person confirming what I am learning.  Thank you.
13 years ago 0 356 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Posting can definitely be scary. I often write freely but then i wait a while before i send something or post something. i give myself time away, then i re-read what i wanted to say and see if there is anythin i want to add or take out. its not self censure as muc has acknowleding that i had a bad habit of saying things i wish i could take back. so i'm slowly working with myself on that and thats' my technique while i work on it - take a break before hitting 'send' on what i've written. 
hope that might help someone!
13 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you both for your comments.
With not cutting my hair- I see something good coming from it - I will finally like what I see.
I put away one item this Am since I won't be using it for a couple of weeks, but I put it on a top shelf that is almost empty and right out front so I can see it.  Well, atleast I put it away.
13 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Upsidedown,
It can be scary to post. Many members feel the same way you do.  But there is no right or wrong way to post about your experiences.  We would never judge you on what you write; even if you had a really bad day!  We are all in this together.
Great work on not cutting your hair.  What has fighting this compulsion shown you?
In regards to the grocery items.  Have you tried to challenge this thought process?  Is this something you would like to change?

Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

It may seem like it is easy for me to post but I too have a hard time posting things for the same reason. I can not take them back. I do it because it is part of the healing process and also because some one has to show you it is okay to open up. 
If it bothers you a lot you can ask the moderators to remove a post for you but I think you will find the good from posting far outweighs any embarrassment. We all have skeletons but remember two things, you are as invisible to us as you want to be, and more important we are your friends. We will not judge. We are here to support and support is one thing we do well.

Here for each other.
13 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
also just want to say it scares me to post - after I reveal stuff I know I cannot take it back to keep it a secret and worry if I'm doing this right (posting).
13 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am starting to recognize some of my OCD stuff more clearly and when some of them come up I try to take it more lightly but right now it's still too panicky to not do - some of it seems so silly, but I feel when I try to not give in or change it - it creates too much anxiety.  I have a difficult time puting shelved grocery items away - I need to have them all in front of me - I had my husband take the doors off one cabinet.  I was thinking of glass but now is not the right time $wise.We have a pantry, but it has a door and is outside the kitchen so it doesn't help. What I don't have room for on the counter I can only have one line showing me everything.  Even in the fridge - I cannot have anything behind anything.  Good thing we have two fridges!  I'm sure it has something to do with past eating disorders, doesn't really matter.
I have started to spend less time with my hair. Not in the AM, but on weekends I no longer am cutting it - I put up a sign and my new hairdresser whom I trust, has told me to leave it alone, and can come to her shop whenever I feel an urge.  Just the feeling of safety and her caring about me seems to be enough for me to stop. I have put off flying to NY to visit my son (it's been 6 mos, he's only 23) - big time panic attacks for turbulance and the fear of the fear if crashing. Probably will get the camera for his computer so we can see each other when we talk. There's more for a later time.
13 years ago 0 221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi upsidedown,
You're making a lot of progress! Congrats!
As Teebs said, its true that laughter is the best medicine. When you laugh, your body relaxes and endorphins, chemicals in your brain that make you feel good all over, are released. So just by laughing, you're allowing your body and mind to feel good. Your body will learn that to deal with anxiety, it should release endorphins instead of panic, because it feels better. Overtime, the association becomes stronger. So the more laughing, the better.
Keep letting us know all the changes you've been seeing!
Helena, Health Educator

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