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13 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you all for your kind words and insight.
It's much needed and appreciated, especially right now. My girlfriend threw her hands and said 'I give up. I'm done'
I just don't know what to do, anymore. I'm really trying right now. It's hard for me to stay positive. 

It just feels like my fault, but I can't go to that kind of thinking, because it will all spiral out of control. It's just frustrating. Because, I don't know if I can be sad. Truthfully, I feel abandoned. I can't tell her, that I really wish she wouldn't. What can I say? That one day, it's not going to be so bad? I just don't know what to feel anymore.

13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to the program and support group.  I want to congratulate you on your decision to start the program. This is a big step in the right direction.  I want to encourage you to get started working the cbt program here as soon as possible. I would also like to encourage you to seek the advice of another doctor if you feel you have been misdiagnosed. I understood you to say you have limited medical coverage.  If this is correct I would encourage you to start putting away some money and get a second opinion on your soon as possible.  I hope this is something you can do in the near future.  In the meantime I would start reading and working the program here and you may also want to look at the sister site here it's called the depression center. Its at the top of the page listed as other Help, click on it and the sister sites will come up....You may also want to speak with the doctor you now have in the mean time and tell him how you are feeling. Maybe he can give you some incite about the anger issues you are having.  Maybe he can change your medication.  Maybe the medication you are on is causing the anger to get worse. I am not a doctor so I can not say, but I really think you need to discuss this anger you are feeling with him "asap" as soon as possible for both you and your girl friends sake...... Please Do Not give up on yourself yet. This program has helped many many people who thought there was no hope at all.  I am one of them and I think it can help you too. 
13 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The history of this particular doctor isn't exactly known as 'competent'
I have history of bi-polar in my family, mostly a good portion of people on my father's side have a bi-polar.
My dad, had it and he killed himself, because it wasn't treated. 

I'm not looking for an excuse, at all. I just want to be treated properly. The time where I was tested for it was a really hard time for me. The drug I took, before I tried had a reverse effect for me. I got extremely anxious, panicked, and depressed. I was also, thinking suicidal thoughts (which has never been normal for me). The transition period was a really hard time in my life. That's when I was tested. I have always considered to have 'mild depression'. Which, never was an issue in my life, except during the times of seasonal depression. I had a traumatizing childhood, which has always played a key role in my mental health. Battling that comes and goes when it wants to. It seems whenever, there is an issue that is left unresolved for too long, that it will make it way to the surface. That's usually the time, I would ask for anti-depressant and up my therapy appointments to once a week. 

I am taking my anti-depressant everyday, along with vitamin D (which helps with the seasonal depression) I will feel great sometimes, like I can do anything, and rejection wouldn't scare me. I am sure of myself, happy, and hyper. But, in an instant I will feel terrible, tired, and I don't want to do anything. I don't know. I'm not the expert. I have been in therapy since I was 5, and I have a list of things that I have said to have, and then another will cross it out, and then put it back on. Which, causes frustration with me, because I'm trying to gain balance.

My health insurance, is limited and I have hard time getting a referral for another opinion. When he asks about my life, and I answer the yes and no, questions. He makes sure to add 'poor thing' or something of that, it doesn't make me feel better. If anything it makes me feel worse, or like I am just a sympathy case. Which, I have never labeled myself. I made it through and everything makes me stronger, but I am just stuck in an rut from this. I did have anger issues, when I was younger, and I successfully made it through that. Which, is also troubling considering that these panic attacks also sparks anger. I know a lot of people say that the reason why anger happens, is because you feel helpless and you want to instill some kind of feeling of power. That isn't it, at all. When I feel angry, there is something in the back of my mind screaming 'no', and a part of me that feels disappointment by my actions, because all the progress that I have made is unraveling. 
13 years ago 0 11216 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Angelswouldfall,
I am glad you have found us and are able to open up about what you are going through.  I can hear you really want to change and you are very concerned about your girlfriend. One thing that you said that I wanted to mention is you feel the help of your therapist is not enough right now.  Sometimes members use the panic program, medication, a doctors help and many other forms of help; this is ok and the more work you put into it the better.  However, I am a little concerned because it sounds like you feel your therapist may have given you an improper diagnoses due to incorrect information given which may have been a result of leading questions.  A proper diagnoses is essential in order for proper treatment to be given.  If you feel you are unable to tell your therapist honestly what you are going through due to fear of judgement then you need to find someone you can tell.  Remember your health is in your hands.  This program is designed for people who have mild to moderate anxiety.  Severe cases or different diagnoses like bipoler disorder need the support of a trained professional.  Only a trained professional who is given the correct information can diagnose you.
In the mean time, we are here for you.  You are not in this alone.

Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Believe your doctor, I know bipolar, you do not sound bipolar. I would say you have been building negative core beliefs for a long time and reinforcing them with every bad relationship.
I think you do not believe you can be happy. I believe you would like to be bipolar because it would be an excuse for the anger. Here is where I think the anger comes from. Subconsciously you are fighting a war of attrition with your core beliefs and losing. The negatives come to the surface too easy. You don't want to believe them so you lash out. At what ever is handy. Yourself especially. I think you do not like yourself because you have been believing all this bull about being a loser. Just because you are different does not make you a loser. So in my opinion if it was me I would start by learning to like myself. And I would try to build positive thought against all those negative core beliefs. You can change you and you can change your perception. This is just my impression since I don't know you well.
Got questions? Ask them. Post often so who you really are can shine through.

Here for you,

Ps Start by believing we really want to help you.
13 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have been on medication for over a year, but it's helped a lot. Also, I do go through therapy, but it's really hard for me to be watched and explain how hard anxiety attacks are. I have before, and it just seems like I down play it a lot. 
I tend to feel guilty a lot, and mostly like a burden. I never considered myself as someone with no self esteem. 

She is upset with me, and I don't blame her. But, I sent her to take some time. I need her to stop being upset with me, and thinking that I am abandoning her. But, at the same time...It hurts me to know, how much I can hurt her. Her mental health is at stake as well as mine. I have put her through hell. Especially, with the seasonal depression arriving. 

Last night, we talked about it. After I have spent two days in and out of panic attacks, and the worry about her, also guilt. She really is hitting a hard spot. But, I can see how much I hurt her, and it worries me even more that she tries to make excuses for me, or down play how much hurt I have caused her. She has always been there for me, even through my panic attacks even though she doesn't understand it, or understand why they happen. She has cancelled plans that we had made, because of my anxiety attacks.
Yes, it does seem like, I don't like going out, and hanging out with other people. I fear that I'm establishing the fear of leaving home, without her. She brought me to a Ranch and cleaning stalls, and helping with him is helping a lot. That's where I like to spend the time, when I'm not at home. It means a lot to her that I come.

Sometimes, when I get too excited about something and work myself up, I wont go. I have tried breathing exercises, that work once in a while. But, it seems that when I feel the sensation of a panic attack, I try to tell myself that it's really not a panic attack, but somewhere in my mind...I believe that it is, and it's too late to try to calm me down. The rage that comes from me is scary. I try to calm myself down by writing or drawing, but I just get too nervous and break the pencil or whatever it is that I am drawing in the first place. I know our room mates, or even her friends don't understand, and are starting to get worried about her. I just want to say 'i'm not a bad person'.
Which, I don't think I am. I'm very giving, and have an altruistic personality to begin with. But, sometimes I just feel selfish.

Just before meeting her, I got out of a year and half long relationship, with someone that was manipulative and overly domineering. I never realized the kind of damage that she caused, until it was all on the table in front of me. She physically pushed me around, screamed in my face, manipulated me, intentionally tried to trap me, with emotional ties. That worked. But, right after I met someone so good for me. Now, every time I feel a similar feeling, it makes me panic. 

She messed with my mental health a lot. She was unfaithful, and I knew that. One time, I asked her about it. She screamed at me,grabbed my arm, and pushed me. She screamed in my face 'you are just like every other person, always accusing me, because I have a guy that's a friend'. I was confused, and scared. I never have felt that sense of fear in myself, before. I think that was the starting point. Then, a month later she told me, in a very casual way. Her response "I thought you knew". Then she cried and was kicking around on the bed, saying she felt like a bad person. She also told me in the same breath that she was going to start starring in pornography. When I pleaded with her, she yelled that she didn't have money, and it would be different if I had some kind of education and could get a decent job to help her. That's when the guilt started that I wasn't better. 

When ever my current girlfriend talks about no money, I panic. Then I feel worthless, and guilty that I can't help her. Even though, I am really trying. She knows that, and she doesn't even get upset with me. But, I just think that maybe somewhere deep down, she wishes I wasn't a 'loser'. 

Even during sex, I panic. A truly beautiful moment, ruined. Not only for me, but her as well. She has to beat herself up, and wonder if she hurt me in some way. 

I know that I have to work through this issues, and I plan to do just that. I just need some more help, other than what my doctor and therapist are offering. The therapist that gave me a mental health assessment, is less than competent. Even after hearing my symptoms, he didn't screen for bi-polar disorder, and even when I mentioned it, he told me that I don't have it. But, I feel like how he answered the question, immediately shut me off...
Questions like:
You haven't ever been up for 3 days, and felt energetic still, have you?
Of course, I said no.
Not only, because I didn't really want to look at the facts of that question, but I would have felt stupid saying yes, and judged.
I have also, had insomnia since I was 15, and been prescribed pills, to take as needed. I just take a pill if I can't sleep for more than two nights, but yes I still feel rested after it happens. It's a really long story, and I thank you all for your comments of support, and even just telling people, that understand is helping me a lot, and I feel so hopeful that I can achieve results.
13 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Angelswouldfall,
I'm glad you found this site - it is a good place to start. I'll echo what Tiana and Davit said about reaching out to a doctor and/or counselor as an important first step. Recognizing there is a problem is also a hugely important first step, and it's okay to need help to figure out where to go from here.
In the meantime, I hope you will start working through the program on this site too. The first couple of sessions will help you understand your panic attacks a little bit more - if your girlfriend is willing you might ask her to read over them, too, so she has a better idea of what you're going through. After you've completed session one you can look over the auxiliary session on relationships, too.
We all want a quick fix, and unfortunately it won't get 100% better overnight. But if you're committed to getting better, you absolutely can.
Post whenever you feel like it - this support group is an amazing place and you will always find a kind ear here!
Hang in there,
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

We will help you and we will support you, but Tiana is right. Get some help. You will most likely be put on a mood stabalizer to start. If you don't take it we will know and all the support we can give you will do no good. I can hear the frustration in your post. I want to help but you have to do your part. I understand what you are talking about. I think you need some medical support as in meds. It's not a big deal, lots of people need this. So see your doctor and come back to us. We will be here.

Here for both of you.
13 years ago 0 653 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Angelswouldfall,
Thank you so much for your post! I'm really glad that you are taking this very important step to reach out for help! And you do need help. It sounds like your girlfriend is feeling like she can't do anything right and some of your behaviors are reinforcing that. And it sounds like you are beating yourself up pretty good too. It is not a good situation for either of you, and you are correct that yelling, name calling, etc are forms of emotional abuse. It sounds like she cares about you very much and wants to help you or she would have gone by now. So please try to see that as a positive! She will be a good support for you as you work through this.
It's very important that you get some professional help, and the sooner the better. Do you have a family doctor that you can talk to this week? If not, go to a walk in clinic. A referral for you, or even both of you, would be helpful right now. I also suggest that you start the program, right at the beginning, do all the readings and all the quizes and exercises! You need to get started on getting under control and gaining some understanding ASAP! Talking to a doctor in person might also help you gain some insight as to the root of the problem, and then you will have a better idea of what your next steps should be.
I think you will find great support in the forums from people who have gone through times similarly challenging to yours! Keep posting. Be gentle with yourself and the people who love you.
Tiana, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I am new. Well to this online support. I need to do something. This panic attacks keep coming and seem to get more intense. My girlfriend feels like she walking on egg shells, because if I even feel a hint of worry about something, it turns into a complete panic attack. When I have them I quickly channel it to rage. I'm not sure why, maybe because when you feel rage, it's the same symptoms and my body is just trying to make things correct. She has been trying to work through these with me, but her patience has been wearing thing. Mainly, because I scream at her and insult her. I have to leave the situation. I always run. I have to get out of cars. It's really starting to affect my life and my relationships in a disconcerting way. I am 21 years old, and I never like to go out. 

It's mostly the fear, that keeps me from going out. The guilt of ruining the fun for everyone else. I feel guilty and worthless after. That I can't control myself, and I am hurting everyone I love. I like to be alone. Even if people are home, the only person I like to be with is my girlfriend, and now it's becoming more and more difficult to be around her. 

I have broken up with her on numerous occasions because of something that I said was her fault out of anger. I constantly make her feel bad about herself and she is so patient. I accuse of her of not listening, or knowing what to do. It gets pretty malicious. She hurts a lot. She is starting to lose her sanity, because I repeat things so often she is starting to believe it. I never insult her, as in individual, but mostly her intentions, and how I feel like she is lying to me. How deep down she thinks that I am crazy and she just wants out.

I am torturing her. I never realized it was this bad. Until I realized that she has been a lot more stressed out than usual and she hasn't told me why. Then I realized that she is scared. It is my instinct to just want to let her go, and tell her to find someone to make her happy. I wish that she would, but when she refuses to. It makes me feel like I can do anything. 

I love her, and would do anything for her, but I get fearful of her when I lose control. But, if she is there I need her. If she wont wrap me up in her arms and murmur safety, it makes me feel like she is rejecting me. Sometimes she just stares because she doesn't know what to do. It shakes me with anger. I am frozen and she asks me to please come lay down. 
I can't because it literally feels like my legs are glued to the ground, and I'm shaking, 

I have never abused her physically. But, I feel like I am emotionally.
I don't know what to do.

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