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Specific Phobias

14 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Patti, 

When I got overwhelmed, with trying to absorb all of the information, I just read posts and took a day or two off, just not thinking.  It will get easier.  Taking baby steps is great, because you are moving forward.  I think when we're caught off guard, with turning a corner and seeing a spider in front of us, it is unexpected and takes us aback.  I have had similar thoughts.  My cat keeps bringing in salamanders from the front porch and they just pop up here and there.  I don't know why it bothers me, since it's just a little salamander, and yet I am able to pick up a 75 lb. Python snake.  It doesn't make sense.  Everything's going to be okay Patti.  We're here for you and this I know, you will get better, just like Cleo said :)  Your friend, Shari
14 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I hope this went through! It just came back....session timed out..server unavailable.....oh I think its ok..I need more computer knowledge.
14 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi! I should have scrolled all the way down to your post.....How many specific  phobias do you have?  I know about your fear of spiders, and heights from this post. Have you ever sat down and wrote  down all of your phobias?  I ask this question cause I have...and when I go back and reread mine I think..why? I know why...its not the actual specific goes back to my fear of the fear...its not easy....but  does that make any sense?  For example: my phobias: Heights, flying, elevators, tunnels, doctors,bridges, deep water....see any connection? Its about giving up control for me. Just something for you to think about.
I wish I knew why being in control of things is so vital for me. Perhaps you too?
Here for all of us, your friend
14 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Patti,
It is just an '"off " will get better! Believe it!  I know that's way easier said than done...But I'm  alot better than I was just 3 months ago...I have so many unrealistic phobias too...with seemingly no reason for them..they just seemed to develop as my general anxiety  increased. Here's an example of it for you:  A resident where I worked passed away one evening..I have to pronounce death and do some close eyes and such....( I don't want to get into details, cause that may bother people).....I'm fine with it...but I came home  after work and there was this huge spider on the wall...I started to freak out...Why? I've never been bitten by any spider as far as I it just a matter of focusing our thoughts on one thing?  I wish I knew.  But this I know...we can all get better...if we believe we can! I do! Try and have a good sleep, we will be here tommorow.
14 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the replies....ALWAYS appreciated. Today was not one of my better days and I tried telling myself that it's just an off day and will get better. I tried looking at things from the opposite side of what I was feeling. I can see I have a long way to go. I feel that there is so much info here to take in and even that is a bit overwhelming at this point for a recluse like me. Baby steps come to mind. Changing core beliefs is certainly challenging. No allergies to bees, and other than the occasional stepping on a honey bee while barefoot when I was growing up, I have never had a serious why such fear? I don't know. Worrying is tiresome. I pray and am trying to be patient in waiting for God's reply. Yes, it has been a long day.
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Core beliefs are the things that cause phobias and they can be changed just like Shari said. But you have to believe you can do it or it doesn't work. Telling yourself it is Ok if in the back of your mind you don't believe it is still a negative thought. Think of us and read the posts especially Shari's and take her words to heart. "I believe" You can do it and like she said and we all say, "we are here for you and we believe in you." You to can do this.

Here for you.
Your friend
14 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Session 1 worked for me, I had car issues.  It will help you identify what type of anxiety and panic you have and identify your triggers and once you know what they are, you can counteract the anxiety and replace negative thoughts with positive ones.  Positive self talk, such as:  I am safe in the car, I am not trapped, I can get out anytime I want.  Sing along with a CD.  If you're stopped at a light, look at the scenery or license plates and think of words for the letters.  I wrote down several positive statements and pull them out of my purse and read them when stopped:  this is just a temporary feeling, the anxiety symptoms are similar to over exercising; it can't hurt me, etc.  Also, box breathing is calming.  I pray.  Also, if my heart rate goes up, I don't focus on it, I say this is normal, there is nothing wrong, I am safe.  Because these are all true statements, I believe them and it works.  I can't argue with logic.  No one can die from a panic attack, it's just a temporary uncomfortable feeling.  Are you allergic to bees and stinging insects or are you afraid only?  If you are allergic, it's a normal fear, and you know what to do if it's happened before.  Tell yourself I will be okay, I can get to the doctor, they will give me medicine and I will be alright.  If it's a fear, have you gotten stung a lot in the past?  If not, tell yourself, just because I got stung once, doesn't mean I will get stung every time I see a bee.  My Mom passed on the germ fear to me.  I do have hand sanitizer in the car, during flu season, I do get the flu shot, and I just tell myself that I've done everything I can to keep healthy.  I pray.  I remind myself of how many times I've worried about getting sick and how many times it actually happened (which is rare).  A lot of times I thought of all the bad things that could happen on a trip and all the worries never came to pass and I had a good time.  Session 3 Challenging  Negative Thoughts With 10 Questions is very helpful.  I found that by going through the program from the beginning really gives you the coping skills you will need and will reduce your anxiety.  It worked for me and I'm still in the middle part of the sessions.  You will get better, I believe it.  I know right now things are a bit upsetting, but just start the process and it will give you relief, for me it was immediate.  We're all here for you.  I hope some of the specific details help you till you start the program.  Even if you don't believe the positive things you are telling yourself, keep saying them and it will become a belief.  You're just retraining your mind to be positive, not negative, and it takes time for it to sink in and change.  Since we are able to learn fear and anxiety, we are able to unlearn it and be cured of it.  Keep positive and hang in there, you can do it!  I believe in you and you will believe in you too :)  Your friend, Shari
14 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Patti,
Please do check out your panic program, more specifically session 4 on exposure work deals with fear and how it is learned. It will also help you get started on developing an exposure plan to begin working on overcoming these fears. Work through this and let us know how it was helpful to you.
Members, how has exposure work helped you with your fears?

Samantha, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I have several things that cause general anxieties, but the true phobias would be bees or anything that even remotely looks like it could sting,... driving....EEKS, which is so terrifying...and the fears of germs/contamination. I worry about these constantly. O don't know where to even start in getting these fears along with all the general anxiety under control. Where is the answer?
14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

One of the things I remember my father saying was "You'd be surprised what a man can do when he has to".  Reminds me of mothers pulling cougars off their kids, or fighting the bears off.  Love is a strong emotion - that's motivation alright.

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