Thank you everyone for your wonderful replies!!! I'm glad
I can give people hope as I have gotten so much from this forum
in helping me with my panic and anxiety! shari I don't mind you
calling me sweetbee as I answer to anything!LOL My hubby
gave me my name sweatbee because he says that I'm like one
(not big enough to hurt anyone, just big enough to be a pain in the toot!LOL).
samantha: I have been using the program and I am finding session 4
on exposure is very helpful, I don't always go in order with my exposure
list but if I can fit something in that will help build my confidence I try
to do it, and yes if I have the panic feelings I do it anyway! I think now
I can tell when I start an exposure if it's to much for me or not to do
and I always give myself the ok to stop at anytime, that takes the
pressure off. My best to all.