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How did it start?

14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
    I was a hypervigilant kid growing up in the city... constantly hearing about people getting hurt and worse. 

    Didn't have panic attacks until I was 38... and have had a couple a year since. 

    Even though it's a challenge, I think I've begun to get control over the panic.
    I have a question for you... the fear of 'dying' you mention... is that what happens if you get into a crowd?  Someone told me that is exactly what happens when I'm confronted w/ too much stress... I fear of dying and / or  having a heart attack.  Even though I've been checked out and am ok, it's still very real for me... how about you or anyone else?

14 years ago 0 113 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i was going thrugh the program, and there was a section talking about how we sometimes "learn" to be afraid of certain situations, or to associate them with panic.

i hate being in crowds, and it got me thinking when it all started. When I was a kid, I remember going with my mom to a large outdoor farmer's market, and I got separted from her, I was only about 8 maybe, and I started crying and crying and crying and wouldn't stop. My mom found me quickly, but still this situation I think is what really started this fear. Then when I was a teenager, I remember goign tot he movies with my friends and someone (thinking they were being cool...) pulled ht efire alarm and everyone in the theatre rushed out. All I could think of was that I need to get out of here, or else I might die...I haven't been ablet o go to the movies since then.
What's your story?

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