Hi, I'm having trouble picking up the phone and dialing to find a therapist. I guess, I'm afraid to be disappointed... if the therapist is something I wasn't expecting. And I feel like I'm pushing myself to get one. I find it uncomfortable that I'm going to a stranger to find my answers. I think I feel defensive and feel like this person won't know or understand me. I am also feeling like I'm doing "ok" without one right now... but I'm not doing much to trigger my anxiety these days either (only minor exposure work) so it makes me wonder if I really need one. I feel like I SHOULD get one... just because I've read many of your relieving stories about having one.. and that it might take me to a better place. I also feel like it would give some relief to my family... like it will look like I'm obviously trying to get better. But the fear I have most is letting a stranger into my problems. I feel like I'm in a secure zone right now.. where my anxiety is at bay but the fact is it's because I've lowered the standard bar and I'm not doing much. I realize this and it puts a bit of pressure on me, like I need to rush.