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14 years ago 0 124 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Fluke,
Welcome to the site, nice to meet you. I am glad that you made it through your meetings the other week. It can be hard to be away from home and staying in a foreign place. I'm glad you calmed down and survived the three days. Continue to work the deep breathing and working on your panic!

14 years ago 0 224 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Fluke, I'm glad to hear that you made it through your hotel stay and that you really tried to stick it out! You did it! Good for you for reaching out for support from your husband and for using those breathing exercises to get you through.
What have you learned from this experience? What knowledge can you take with you for next time you are in a similar situation?

Luciana, Bilingual Health Educator
14 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I had to go out of town for meetings last week and I starting having a panic attack as soon as I got to the hotel.  I was so anxious that I thought I was going to have to make an excuse to go home.  I called my husband from the hotel and he helped me to calm down so I could go back into the meeting.  I felt humilated like everyone could see my panic and could tell I had been crying, but I made it through the three days and by the last day I was feeling much better.  Deep breathing helped and I kept telling myself that I could do this.
14 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Leanne,
 I'm sorry you had to go through that. I get humiliated with my anxiety too. 
Have you tried doing practice tests.. like pretend like you're taking a test everyday until you get used to it.

14 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Leanna,
Thank you for sharing your story with us, it takes a lot of courage to open up about the challenging moments we face. You have received some really great support from your fellow members, read their posts carefully and make sure to hear every word they say. Experiencing this moment has allowed you to learn more about yourself and your needs. Knowing this, you will have to do what is best for you and consider using the resources that are available to you. As you said, you are doing very well. Always keep the great progress you've made in mind!
Samantha, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 23 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Leanne:  Keep working the program.  Do you know about breathing techniques?  One of the best ways to calm yourself is to control your breathing.  You have to continue changing the negative thoughts and feelings to thoughts of "I know this" and "I am going to calm down and do this".  You obviously are smart enough and strong enough to go away to school where you don't know anyone.  I'm assuming you are in college, find your guidance counselor or if they have a student advisor program and get to know people who are there to help you.  Find 1 or 2 people in some of your classes and start a study group, not just for the study part, but for moral support.  You don't have to tell them right away that you have anxiety problems, just let them know you get anxious taking tests.  Right now it sounds like you feel somewhat isolated.  I'm 43 years old and still have trouble telling people that I have anxiety attacks.  These are people I've known for years.  People will respect your strength in opening up about something so hard to understand.  When I'm having an attack with people around I just say "My anxiety is getting the better of me right now"  They usually will tell me it's ok and give me a hug or pat on the back and the human touch of just a pat on the back is calming.  I hope this helps.
14 years ago 0 192 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Leanne:  Hope you are starting to feel better about the test.  It surprised you when that happened and then it disappointed you. We want things to go well and when they don't, we are very hard on ourselves.  We breakdown every now and then.  All of us do, even "normal" people.  We all have good days and bad days.  I think as Davit does, take as much help as you can for the tests.  That's exactly what "help" is.  It's for anyone to use.  We like to help others all the time, when it comes to our turn we're not always good at accepting it.  
I agree with Davit that yesterday is gone, tomorrow is another day.  Something I tell myself when I goof up is "What'll it matter in a couple of weeks?"  Nobody will even care, or remember.  They have their own problems.
You reminded me of those who are handicapped in a more visual, physical way - in wheelchairs, etc. I can hardly imagine what they go through every day. Imagine if they didn't accept help once in awhile. 
Good luck Leanne, you can do it.  We are rooting for you and hope you keep posting and let us know how it goes.
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

You said it. You don't want to be the one who has to be treated different. But girl right now you are different, but it is not permanent. You said it. You know the work, you can do it. Take what ever help they offer to get the job done. Because today will become yesterday and you can't change yesterday. And yesterday doesn't count. But you don't want to be reliving yesterdays.  Tomorrow you want to be able to say I passed the test yesterday, I'm done with it. No matter how you do it. Why the humiliation you have a condition that you still don't have completely under control, but you will. It is just happening at the wrong time. It will pass. Just like having the flu or a cold sore at the wrong time will pass. No negative thought girl, you can do this. Just remember that any programs or assistance you need are in place just for this reason and it is all-right to use them. If you feel guilty then find some way to help someone less fortunate as pay-back. Just do the tests and pass them any way you have to. You said it. You know the answers, you have a right to pass.  Good luck I will de rooting for you. By the way I know that blank feeling when you just can't pull the answers out.

14 years ago 0 24 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I feel humilated just typing this email. I have been doing so well. Exercise, change of diet, not drinking alcohol, public, driving, everything has been so good. Today, I had a math test. I forgot everything during the test, even mulitiplication. After the test, I tried talking to the instructor about test anxiety. Then after I left, I began having an anxiety attack at school. I had no cell phone, didn't feel I could drive, and I still don't know anyone in town. I went to a student assistance counter in tears and told them I needed help. They were able to help me, of course, but I felt so humiliated and so let down about myself.
All I can think about is how terrified I was, how many more tests are coming up. I can acknowledge what progress I've made, but I can't help thinking about future tests and how much work I put into knowing the material just to forget it all when it counts the most. The counselor I spoke to today asked if more time on my tests would help, but I feel that it wouldn't because as soon as someone says "test", I freak out. How much am I going to fail before I succeed? I don't want to be the "special" student who has to take tests without the rest of my class because I can't manage my thinking (right now).
Does anyone have any advice???

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