A little unusual post, I know... however, I found this comforting knowing someone else (and a very public person at that!) has had 'heart attack like symptoms' and went to the ER only to find out his heart is completely healthy and it's a stress related issue. This story is all over the sports wires.
I'm not happy someone else is anxious... just comforted knowing that I'm not the only one!
BTW, it's been a pretty good couple of weeks since I've tried (for 1 day) and stopped Cymbalta. I'm back to exercising, drinking my teas and not needing Xanax... been about 2 weeks since I've taken it.
I'll see the MD in 1 month... he's going to try to switch me from the Buspar to Zoloft... which I would REALLY like since I'm tired of taking Buspar 3x a day!
I've noticed in the several months since I've started this program and done a lot of reading, that one of my biggest challenges is NOT reading and watching too much stuff on anxiety. For me, reading and talking about it, really causes me to recycle the topic in my head.
On that note, take care as I keep my healthy distance (for a while) from all things anxiety!!!