Hey Miki
I've just read through the last few posts and I'm sorry to hear it's not going all that well.. Marriages are tough and although love is important I believe it's not enough to survive on.
It is what makes us work on our marriages and ensure that we give it our all but it should NEVER make you "settle" or compromise your needs to suit what they want... You are who you are...and a marriage is acceptance of the person we are with through good times and bad...sickness and in health... and all the other unforeseen things that may come upon us in our times together. It doesn't mean that we will always understand or fully comprehend what the other is going through but that we will be there to LEARN and hold their hand when need be.
Living with him may be a good idea to know that you gave it your all....... but it has to be what you both want. You will get better Miki but you are changing through this process... and even as you're growing up... both of you are.. His happiness also shouldn't be your responsibility...
I think the pressure is a lot for you right now but you need to know that you are the MOST important person and your needs come first. If you're not happy or feeling as though you are loved.. it will only hold you back. Love isn't about changing for the person you want to be with... it's acceptance... and you deserve to be accepted for who you are and all that you encompass.. your anxiety is only a FRACTION of who you are ... it does not define your character or your heart etc.
I met my husband at 16... We've been together 19 years this November...and married for 11 of those. Not always easy but always accepting of eachother...faults and all... You ...MIKI deserve to be loved for MIKI...not the person you think you can be..or should be... but who you are now... in this very moment... at your most vulnerable... when it really matters... It's easy to love someone who doesn't have any worries... it shows TRUE love to love someone who is real...
Well that's my long say... but I've thought long and hard about this through our marriage and its ups and downs.. especially when I was diagnosed early in our marriage...
Take care Miki and BIG HUGS...