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Topics: Attitudes

16 years ago 0 138 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am so completely aware of the impact of perspective.  It can be at the root of communication difficulties too.
I'm trying to recall the exact cliche',  "It's not so much how the world is but how I am" that determines what I see.
In various group exercises,  we try to get the point that it's not what happens to us that decides our response.  Everyone will have a different response to the same incident.  some may cry,  some may laugh, some may get angry, some withdraw.
I need to align myself with positive beliefs before I react to situations
16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A positive attitude definitely helps.  If my attitude is positive, then everything else becomes positive, and I see things around me being better.  I feel more energetic and self confident.
Koneko-love the pic of the kitty!!
16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
We certainly are Miki  . Anytime remember that . xxxx
16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Stay strong Miki, you'll get through this. Don't forget that we're always here for you
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
When I was really down I felt I was going in circles... I already knew that I couldn't get out when the exit was visible and assuming that was already negative. But I kept staring at the exit and now I think my head is peaking through it. The biggest thing that helped me was getting hope again and how I got hope was by going on the 2 hour drive trip the first time around. After doing that again, positive hopes just kept adding. Now, I had the biggest push in my life last week after I had a situation with my husband. It's an unstable condition yet, because of it I feel like I finally know what I want.. or at least what I've had that I'm about to loose. I can only keep holding on hope now.
16 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great topic...
I think I've turned from a glass half empty sort of thinker to a glass half full.  I have found that having a positive attitude reaps positive things... a negative attitude draws more the same...
Like things attract like things... the law of nature...
I have a great teacher though... My husband is truly a positive thinker.  He sees the best in everyone and every situation.. His spin on what I originally think is a bad situation always amaze me and make me rethink things.... I've taken these lessons though and applied them... and hope one day I make the same impact on someone...
No ones perfect though and I try to live the best life possible each day... and at night I know I have a new day ahead with a new chance ...
16 years ago 0 76 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The most recent thing I can think of is the visit I had at my fiancee's parent's house the other day.  Watching the babies eat was positive for me, if they can do it so easily I should be able to as well. 
I've had many negative attitudes that affected me negatively, too many to list.  Reading the successes on here and seeing other people do well has led to many positive outcomes for me and hopefully many more.  I believe my attitude is changing slowly for the better but it will just take time.  Thinking positive can work for me so I've been trying to do it as much as possible.

16 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Attitudes have a large impact on our behavior and decisions. Attitudes can be positive, negative or neutral. Attitudes also constantly change and evolve as we are exposed to new experiences.


Members, have you found that during your journey to modify your behavior, your attitude has changed?   Have you ever had a negative attitude that has affected your outcomes negatively or a positive attitude that has led to positive outcome?   What do you find has helped you change your attitude?   Please share your experiences with the rest of us.   Josie

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