Awww thank-you so much for the reply. DB i know what you are saying , ive been putting them off for well i have 4 months worth in my cupboard now ! Im on zoloft 50mg . I was terrifyed when i took it espically as the previous few days i have been feeling bad again . Infact thats why i decided to bite the bullet , to see if they will help me . Was quite confident yesterday after finally taking that first one the night before .
Well last night went to bed and it did take quite awhile to get off to sleep . But i woke up at 12.30 to a huge PA followed by at least 5 more through the night . It has shaken me up espically what i was in store for today .
I got up at 6 to make sure my daughter got a drink before the time limit of 7am . Got to the train station and we missed the flipping train because they are doing doing up the station and we had to do a big walk detour . I was abit shaky on the train ride but okish .
She did so well bless her . The taxi home was ooooooo long 17miles worth but again handled that hugging her while she slept next to me .
OMG we had to make sure she rested on the sofa , she did not want to so i was following her everywhere incase she fell . She has slept now for a few hours so that means a late night , ekkkk im exhusted .
In short i dont know if the meds making me feel like this or my situation . But i feel bad again , and back to not eating and am hurting again . So am scared and feeling a wee bit sorry for myself and now a whinger lol .
Have to go i even went to asda and got stuff for dinner and its ready to serve .
Fingers crossed for tonight
TTFN dee x