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16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
*puts t-shirt over her head and runs around the room*
Hahahahaha sorry about that guys , i didnt have one attack in the night  .
DB thanks for the reply , you deserve everything we are saying about you . You would make a great councellor alomg with the wonderful DM here !
DM , DM, DM well excuseeeeeeeee me young lady . What i do is nowt compared to you . You are so remarkable , you have drive , compassion and a wonderful caring nature . And two kids are just as much a handful as 5 . Any hows , my lads are getting big now . Although i will be looking after my eldest for along time , he has traits of austim and aspbergers ahhh spelling gone to pot . So its like having a young child alot of the time .
Abit sad today the in-laws left an hour ago , mind you my work load will cut down . Or will it , kids break up from school for the summer hols in tick tick tick 15mins  .
Thank-you Miki , you might have a point about the weather . My knee is killing me today . I had a motorbike crash at 17 and had it pinned and all other yucky stuff . It always plays up with weather change , not usually this painful though . Still would rather have pain that i know about than all the anxiety in the world .
Take care everyone gotta pick my girls up xx
16 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Cornish Dee,
I'm sorry to hear how tired you are... I wonder if it's the weather or something because everyone seems to be struggling these days. I hope your body adjusts soon!
Take care.

16 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi CD...
Oh hun.. sorry to  hear you're feeling the pits... It is a really tough adjustment period like everyone has mentioned and I know personally that it took me a bit to get balanced...but it was worth it.  I was very sick though to my stomach and everything.. throwing up... and my anxiety went haywire... Then all of a sudden it stopped... and everything just got better... Symptom wise as I still work on the head stuff all the time... lol...
You're right ... DB is so VERY wise for such a young age... I too appreciate all of his information and insight...
You're going to be ok CD and you're will to fight is commendable.. and you're positive spirit keeps me going often.
Hang in there...
I feel like my household is busy yours puts mine to shame.. LOL.. 5 kids... can't even begin to imagine... ha ha!
16 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi CD,
Fatigue is a symptom of anxiety and a common side-effect of new antidepressants, so it would be hard to pinpoint what's causing it.

The side-effects generally last 2 weeks, and noteable improvement generally is only felt at 3 months.
Hopefully you should notice a positive difference before then.

Thanks for your support and kind words, too.  They mean a lot.
Take care.

16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello CD,
Sorry to hear you are so tired these days. HAve you spoken to your doctor about the side effects  you are having? Anyway, I am no great expert on medication. It has ben a while since I have taken steady medication other then benzodiazepines. I now take those PRN. Hope you feel better very soon. Hang in there and remember, this too shall pass!
16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry to read that things are rough for you atm DB . Relationships are hard enough to handle without having an anxiety disorder but that much more differcult when you have one . I must say you have one of the wisest heads of anyone ive ever known for your age . Your pretty amazing and ive no doubt one day you will go far  . I hope you work things out . My hubby tends to go for really long walks if we fight which like you i find sooo annoying because i would rather just sort it out and move on .
Ok i really feel like im whinning all the time now but have got to the stage at home where i dont like talking about myself . Yes im still taking the meds and am beginning to wonder if they are the reason why im totally feeling like carp . I wont stop taking them because i know they take awhile to settle in but didnt know 3months  . Thought it would be about two weeks which i very nearly there .
Today was the first time in a few months i literally had to get out the shop . I felt dreadful , my chest really hurt which set everything else off in super mode . My throat did get better a few weeks ago but feels even worse this time around , the pressure under the ears is pretty new . Oh well like we always say done it before can do it again .
I always keep myself busy every single day , well have to with the size household i have lol . I believe the medication is responsible for my tiredness , im so grogy in the morning for quite a few hours and kinda spaced yuck .
okies moan after , im dying to catch everyone up again .
All my best to you all CD XX
16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI Cd, sorry to hear you werent feeling good.  Sounds like you needed the nap, maybe you just have the flu or something, might not be anixety.  take it easy and rest up.
16 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi CD,
The exhaustion could be to do with the medication.  Are you still on them? 
Remember it can take up to 3 months to feel positive effects.  And worth if every day if they help.
It's good that you could do some gardening  and ironing.  Just that activity helps you stay active and distracts you from the anxiety.

The throat thing is a real pain, but believe me, it will pass.  I had it for a while, too.  I also had shallow breathing, when I felt like I was suffocating, headaches, recently nauesa - but it all passes :)

I'm fine now.  I was doing gardening yesterday and because of all the pollen it made it hard to breath, plus it's very very hot and humid this week, so that doesn't help - but my anxiety is fading.

I'm having a tough time just now with my relationship.  Obviously me being at home all the time took its toll, and my partner moved out a day before my 19th birthday... But things have picked up since and we're still seeing each other.

Just an argument today.  She's the type of person who runs away when arguments starts - whereas I always want to clear them up then and there otherwise it eats at me and winds me up.
It'll all pass.  
Take care

16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya CD,
I am sorry to hear you had a rough day. Glad to hear you still took time to garden though. As for taking a nap, well if you fell asleep you needed it! Hope it helped a bit.Anyway, please keep us posted on how you are doing!Take care CD!
16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello DB , i have been extremely tired . I got up at 4.30 am arghhhhh . I have been quite anxious today nothing i couldnt really handle . I didnt go anywhere today which is a first as i do try and get out even if just to a shop . Only did the garden for a while .
I did go up to put all the ironing away this afternoon layed on my bed and 4 hours later  i awoke !!! Now thats very rare for me to sleep in the daytime .
Tonight my throat is really awful , like i said im used to it going tight and you do it used to it . Hate it like but dont freak out anymore . But tonight its that tight that it feels like it actually hurts , not like a sore throat pain but its there . Oh im not making sense never mind im sure i will get through it but anxiety is rising rather alot atm because of it .
How have you been ?  CD

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