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Yoohooo Koneko

16 years ago 0 76 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've got an appt at 2pm Monday to see my doctor.  On the brightside I was able to eat some rice and meatballs today and the rest of the trifle we had left.  Bit of a coughing fit afterwards though.  My friend thinks it's strep throat but I guess I'll find out Monday
CD how are you doing?
16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hope you are doing better today:) Let us know how you are. MIN
16 years ago 0 1288 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
koneko,   You're right, you should really make a call or visit to your Doc.   It's great to hear that you're making the effort to get better.     Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 76 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not well here either.  Feeling good today, in a good mood but still haven't eaten much and can't get myself to eat.  It's actually getting on my nerves today.  My fiancee had a nice bento of sushi and it killed me watching him eat it.  That nagging voice in my head wouldn't let me.  I'd like to try anxiety medication but I don't do well with pills, at all.
I have to call the doctor tomorrow or my fiancee has threatened to do it for me   Going on a little over a month now eating like a bird (save a few days here and there that were decent), I know it's not good for me and I absolutely hate it today especially, I really wanted to dig into something!  You get really sick of soup fast.

Ugh popcorn!  There's no way I could eat that stuff, EVER!  Even when I was eating fine I wouldn't touch it.  Those little kernels are just gross. 
Hope you're feeling better soon, thanks for the updates!  I absolutely have to call my doctor tomorrow, I don't really want to though, he's a new doctor I've never been to and I'm not sure what he'll think.  I keep putting it off and procrastinating on it.

16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not feeling so good myself today Koneko . Have been sick twice today . First time i have been sick since Jan , which is something used to be at least once a month weird .
Just ate a piece of my little ones popcorn and the horrible bit got stuck , i didnt panic but was so very close to .
How are you doing hun ?
16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well done Koneko , thats another three things you have eaten . They soon add up . Shame you arnt feeling so good again but im sure you will get through it . You are sounding very positive which is lovely to read . Sorry to hear about the family emergency thats not nice . What i will tell you is that the last two days i have been eating just about anything and its fantastic . I have been longing to be here and at last i am . Or be it feel very sick for over indulging !! Too much birthday cake and pizza lol . Oh whats a fish stick im intriged nice word for nosey that . Do come here if you are feeling anxious with your fiancee away wont you ?
Lol DM it didnt hit me till the day before then i just went whooooah . I was abit mad yesterday , he only got TWO cards . One from my hubby and me and the other from his siblings . I was furious with family members so left very sharp comments on my msn and facebook . I dunno if i can say that bit sorry if i cant . I know all my family and some of my husbands go on both thoses sites so they will see . No he didnt want to do anything much bless him . He has learning disiblities and dosnt really like being made a fuss of . My husband took him out in the daytime to the pub to play darts , which he LOVES playing . He didnt want to go out for a meal so we ordered in a takeaway of his choice , watched a film as a family and had a laugh . Till he got sick !! He had two cards from my husband mum and dad today but still nowt from my side . So im still grrrr-ing .
16 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey CD... I love pasties too!  Yummy.  And wow.. 20!!  that is a landmark.  My oldest is going to be 10 and I find that hard to swallow...
Koneko... You have made great strides in the past few weeks and I'm sure your boyfriend leaving is compounding the stress level a bit.  You'll get through this week though and you'll be able to share some successes with him when he returns.
I'm having major allergy issues myself right now and it makes it very hard to breathe... yuck... I hate that feeling and my throat is sore all the time.  So all those things you're feeling are normal and ok... they are just allergies :)
Good luck this week and you will be OK.... you're a fighter..and you're stronger than you think.
Take care.. keep us posted.
16 years ago 0 76 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey CD!
I had a pretty good day the other day, I ate some stuff I had been dreading eating but it turned out ok.  I ate a huge fish stick, some perogies and dry oatmeal cookies, they were the hardest because of the oatmeal chunkies but I made it through and didn't panic at all!  The next few days weren't as good though, today is really bad, getting panicky eating something as simple as pea soup.  I woke up today stuffed up from allergies/still have that nasty cold too and my fiancee having to leave me for a week due to a family emergency so today and probably the next week while he's gone are going to be rough but I'm going to run out and stock up on soup and whatever else before he leaves.  The worry with him leaving and stuff is just compounding everything.  I'm sure it will be ok in a few days again, I made some progress so I can at least dwell on that and use it to help me.
Looks like you're having some good days, that's great!  Also looks like you were able to find minnesota

16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
oops..I love pasties CD.  They are delish too.  yummy. Wow, you're oldest is 20 thats wonderful, happy birthday for him. Any special plans for the bday? Good job for going to work and riding the bus for an hour:)
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya CD,
You are most welcome : ) Wow your kid is twenty today! Quite the landmark! And yes, time does fly! Have a great day :)

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