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16 years ago 0 1288 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Members, Spending too much time in the office? Try to work together with other work mates to change the office environment by doing some of these five minute power boosters: Get Moving! €¢Do some step aerobics at the office stair case €¢Take a short walk around the block or through the office building €¢Stand up and stretch your muscles, starting from your neck working your way down to your ankles €¢Keep a stress ball on hand to squeeze when you need to release some pressure Stimulate your mind! €¢Take some time to do a word search, crossword or sudoko €¢So some deep breathing exercises and some quiet meditation €¢Clean your desk or office a little bit €¢Draw a picture The office environment can be draining so it€™s important to take some time out for yourself to regroup and stay active. What have you found helpful to keep you on track to a healthy lifestyle? Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator

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