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I need help with morning anxiety, please...

16 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for your help. Its good to know others have the same problem. Although I hate it for you, because I know how awful it is. My therapist suggested breathing exercises before I get up. Started that today, but not working yet! Keep in touch. Do you ever sign on the instant message? I keep signing on but no one is ever there. I will put you on my buddy list and if you do the same hopefully we can chat. Thanks, Lisa
16 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for your help. Do you have any suggestions for stopping the anxiety when I wake up. Its so bad that it makes it hard for me to even get up. I would love to try the exposure work you suggested but I just need some help getting the anxiety to stop so I can do anything. Thank you, Lisa
16 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lisajane, We strongly recommend you begin working through the program if you haven't already. You'll need to track your anxiety in order to effectively identify patterns. You may also find it helpful to start small and work your way to bigger goals. Ex: Getting ready as if you were going to work but not actually going. Once you can do this, getting ready and sitting in your car "" and starting the car "" driving to a location other than work and it goes on until your reach your goal. This is also known as exposure work and the program will take you through this process in greater detail. Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
16 years ago 0 165 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lisajane, Well you are not alone because anxiety is there for me as soon as I awake also. It makes me so mad because I don't really understand what I have to be anxious about as soon as I open my eyes. I keep my Ativan right next to me and take it usually as soon as I wake up. I even say "hello" to my anxiety. And a few other choice words that aren't fit to print. The funny thing is I find it helps me to talk to it. I tell it what I think of it and sometimes it eases up. This early morning anxiety is quite new for me so I'm not sure of what to really tell you other than try talking yourself through it. The relaxation tapes can help also.
16 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I mostly have thoughts about not being able to leave the house and go to work. I absolutely hate just staying around the house all day, it is so depressing. But I have so much anxiety in the mornings and early afternoons that its hard for me to think clearly and I am afraid to drive and cannot go to work. So I am stuck in a vicious cycle. I hate staying home and want to work, but have too much anxiety to do anything and therefore I feel worse and worse. Any ideas how I can break this cycle? I plan everynight that I am going to get up and just drive to work whether I go in or not. Its 30 miles away which makes it more difficult. But I am afraid of driving in the mental state that I am in at that time of the morning. I have been able to make the drive in the evening one night this past week. No problems. Mornings just seem impossible. Thanks for your help.
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Lisa! Hang in there, things will get better. First I would like to say about your meds that you really should discuss it with your doctor. Your doctor is the most qualified person to help you figure this out. Donèt be afraid to ask all your questions about it. It is his job to explain all this too you. Also, once you are sure of your meds and dosage and stuff, if you want more information, don't forget that your pharmacist as much knowledge. Second, I wanted to say you are not alone with morning anxiety. I used to have that. I think it went away because I challenged the thoughts that made it happen in the first place. To me, morning was the: "Oh no, now I have to face a whole other hard day where I have to cope with the panic thing" moment of my day. No wonder I would start the day so panicky. Now, when I wake up, I donèt think that anymore. When I think of morning as I go to bed, I donètthink that either. I did exposure work and much thought challenging. That helped. And some thoughts have to be challenged over and over again cause they have a firm grip on you. So that's ok you just challenge them over and over. I havenèt had morning anxiety in a very long time. Anyway, all this to say, you can make this go away, and there are very good tools in this program to help you do that. Just be kind and patient with yourself and remember: This too shall pass! -Diva
16 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lisajane, Can you please be more specific? Do you have any anxious thought accompanying this morning anxiety? Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
16 years ago 0 20 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mornings have always been my worst time for anxiety. It got so that I would put off going to bed just so I could enjoy the relative peace I finally got in the evening hours. Not a good plan!!! I got a lot of help with this problem by taking Ativan (.5mg) first thing upon waking. I did this for over a year and now I'm fine for the most part. I've been off the 'every day' Ativan for several months (now only use it PRN) and my mornings are still good. I also take Elavil. If you have only been on the Paxil for two weeks, I think it probably hasn't had time to kick in yet. They say it usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks before you notice a benefit. It's hard to be patient I know especially when you feel so miserable. In the meantime, maybe you could think of ways to calm yourself as much as possible. Avoiding caffeine and switching to decaf coffee/tea if you drink those. Any activity that gets your mind off yourself is good. Do you have any relaxation tapes? They helped me when I was going through a bad spell. All the best, Shrug
16 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Add to my previous post. Does anyone think this medication will help me. Should I take more? thanks!
16 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey friends. Does anyone else suffer from morning anxiety? I wake up and bam! It takes almost all day for me to start to feel normal again. Then its time to go to bed and start all over. I am so miserable. I haven't been able to work in over two months due to waking up with this paralyzing anxiety. I am on paxil, started 2 weeks ago, and I take at least 2 .5 xanax a day. I need help so I can get back to work. My life is falling apart. Can anyone offer any help for me? I know anxiety is caused by thoughts I just can't seem to stop from waking up in this state.

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