Here are a few tips for getting back into a good sleep schedule:
€¢Try to get on a sleep schedule. Go to bed at a regular time each night and get up at a regular time in the morning. Try to not stay up late watching TV and try not to sleep during the day. If you get on a sleep schedule, we guarantee that you€™ll begin to feel better.
€¢Try to make the room you sleep in as quiet as possible. Consider ear plugs or a sleep mask.
€¢Use your bed only for sleeping. Don€™t lounge around in your bed. If you spend too much time lounging in bed, watching T.V., drinking coffee, or eating, your body will learn that your bed is NOT a place for sleeping.
€¢If you can€™t sleep after half an hour in bed don€™t stay in bed trying to sleep. Get up and do some quiet activity. For example, read a book for a half hour and then try going back to bed. If you still can€™t sleep, get up and do something quiet once again.
€¢Try to keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature - not too cold and not too hot.
€¢Try to get some exercise every day. You€™ll feel better and sleep will come much quicker.
€¢Try not to exercise or work hard late in the evening. It could make you feel €˜wired€™.
€¢Don€™t drink anything with caffeine or alcohol for 4 hours before you go to bed.
€¢Try not to eat a heavy meal in the evening. Don€™t eat just before you go to bed.
€¢If you€™re not sleeping at night, avoid naps during the day.
€¢Use relaxation techniques. Box breathing may help you relax at bed time.
Hope this helps.
Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist